11-06-2007 09:23:00
Hi guys!
Today i get newest version of Eihort cmpatible PLSM from CVS.
Its run with DirectX render very good, in debug and release mode.
But when i try to run it with OpenGL my program fall in debug mode, on
in ogreglrendersystem.cpp
after it i start solving this problem, and find what problem in minimap in right up corner. Debug OpenGL render dont eat it.
When i remove macrodef _VISIBILITYDEBUG from compilator command line, this bug stop crushing my program. But why _VISIBILITYDEBUG dont work in OpenGL debug mode render.
Today i get newest version of Eihort cmpatible PLSM from CVS.
Its run with DirectX render very good, in debug and release mode.
But when i try to run it with OpenGL my program fall in debug mode, on
glDrawElements(primType, op.indexData->indexCount, indexType, pBufferData);
} while (updatePassIterationRenderState());
in ogreglrendersystem.cpp
after it i start solving this problem, and find what problem in minimap in right up corner. Debug OpenGL render dont eat it.
When i remove macrodef _VISIBILITYDEBUG from compilator command line, this bug stop crushing my program. But why _VISIBILITYDEBUG dont work in OpenGL debug mode render.