14-08-2007 12:24:28
Hi I'm a noob with PLSM2!, I have some question:
It's possible put a dinamic texture in the terrain, like this:
http://pcmedia.ign.com/pc/image/article ... 051053.jpg
The ( ! ) simbols in the terrain,etc, but controlled by the program: after X secongs we remove this texture in the terrain, or the possibility of change this of place(like a texture in the terrain under the mouse cursor,etc).
And how I can do it,there're any sample/tutorial?
And the other question is about lighting: if I configure the terrain( TsmTerrain ) with this configuration:
I have only the Ambient light over the terrain, but no other lights.How I can configure the terrain for work with dinamic lights?
Sorry for my very little English!!
It's possible put a dinamic texture in the terrain, like this:
http://pcmedia.ign.com/pc/image/article ... 051053.jpg
The ( ! ) simbols in the terrain,etc, but controlled by the program: after X secongs we remove this texture in the terrain, or the possibility of change this of place(like a texture in the terrain under the mouse cursor,etc).
And how I can do it,there're any sample/tutorial?
And the other question is about lighting: if I configure the terrain( TsmTerrain ) with this configuration:
I have only the Ambient light over the terrain, but no other lights.How I can configure the terrain for work with dinamic lights?
Sorry for my very little English!!