04-03-2006 13:11:18
After a few hours (days?) I finally succeded to compil PLMS2 with Code Blocks, gcc and the 1.0.7 ogre version.
Map Splitter run perfectcly, but when I try to run PLMS 2 Demo, I've got this error :
I try to modify the basic terrain demo and I've got the same error.
Some body knows what append?
[EDIT] In fact this problem appears when I update gcProgramManager and I have this on all my app when I'm running on DirectX!
But with OpenGL PLMS2 Demo work fine!!!! That's great!!!
[EDIT2] I fix my gc problem too!!! I'm happy!!! I can now begin to work serriosly on my apps!!!
And I fixed some problems with the code blocks project files of the PLMS2 sources (not the CVS version).
It should compil without error (or just "_freset()" to quote) and copy the exe and dll at the right place.
You can grab it here :
After a few hours (days?) I finally succeded to compil PLMS2 with Code Blocks, gcc and the 1.0.7 ogre version.
Map Splitter run perfectcly, but when I try to run PLMS 2 Demo, I've got this error :
Error #: 9
Function: CgProgram::loadFromSource
Description: Unable to compile Cg program DecompressSplatcg/FP: CG ERROR : The compile returned an error.
(81) : warning C7011: implicit cast from "float[4]" to "out float[2]"
(110) : fatal error C9999: oglfp2x backend can't compile shader to a single pass.
Problem: Not enough temporary registers
File: ..\src\OgreCgProgramManagerDll.cpp
Line: 60
Stack unwinding: <<beginning of stack>>
I try to modify the basic terrain demo and I've got the same error.
Some body knows what append?
[EDIT] In fact this problem appears when I update gcProgramManager and I have this on all my app when I'm running on DirectX!
But with OpenGL PLMS2 Demo work fine!!!! That's great!!!
[EDIT2] I fix my gc problem too!!! I'm happy!!! I can now begin to work serriosly on my apps!!!
And I fixed some problems with the code blocks project files of the PLMS2 sources (not the CVS version).
It should compil without error (or just "_freset()" to quote) and copy the exe and dll at the right place.
You can grab it here :