06-03-2006 01:10:47
I ran into problems again:
Situation :
1. plsm2 loaded map hf_129_3 ( tried with ps_height_1k too with the same results )
2. Camera setting :
3. Trying to add an object to the scene using the following code
4. Result and the problem a):
It doesn't matter where i click with the mouse . The object will be added kind of under camera . and the vector rayIterator->worldFragment->singleIntersection is not influenced by the mouse position.
What am I doing wrong ?
Situation :
1. plsm2 loaded map hf_129_3 ( tried with ps_height_1k too with the same results )
2. Camera setting :
m_camera->setPosition( 450, 450, 450 );
3. Trying to add an object to the scene using the following code
bool Renderer :: AddObject(Real x , Real y)
Ogre::Vector3 cs , v1;
Ogre::Entity *ent;
Ogre::SceneNode *mCurrentObject;
char name[16];
Ray cameraRay = m_camera->getCameraToViewportRay(x,y);
RaySceneQuery *raySceneQuery = m_scene_mgr->createRayQuery(cameraRay);
RaySceneQueryResult result = raySceneQuery->execute( );
RaySceneQueryResult::iterator rayIterator = result.begin();
if ( rayIterator != result.end() && rayIterator->worldFragment)
sprintf( name, "tree%d", obj_no++ );
v1 = rayIterator->worldFragment->singleIntersection;
ent = m_scene_mgr->createEntity( String(name), "tree.mesh" );
mCurrentObject = m_scene_mgr->getRootSceneNode()->createChildSceneNode(String(name));
mCurrentObject->showBoundingBox( true );
raySceneQuery->clearResults( );
m_scene_mgr->destroyQuery( raySceneQuery );
return true;
4. Result and the problem a):
It doesn't matter where i click with the mouse . The object will be added kind of under camera . and the vector rayIterator->worldFragment->singleIntersection is not influenced by the mouse position.
What am I doing wrong ?