PLSM2 not paging the terrain... just loads the whole terrain


05-02-2008 20:29:47

Hi all,

I was wondering if someone could help me out with PLSM2, i've tried to get it to page the terrain but it doesn't seem to. The whole terrain is just loaded into memory and then it draws the whole thing, unlike the demo PLSM2 application which loads/unloads when necessary.

Hopefully i'm just missing something out from somewhere :P Any help would be greatly appreciated!!

Thanks in advance

P.S. I’m using Ogre SDK version 1.4.6 and the latest CVS version of PLSM2


06-02-2008 14:53:00


I assume you've ran Mapsplitter since you have no problem displaing the terrain.
There might be a few settings in the .cfg file that could result in all pages being loaded:


x and y define the number of pages; so if x = 1 the terrain consist of one page -> no paging


I think these settings controll how many pages will be loaded beside the one the camera is placed on.
E.g.: If your terrain consists of 4 pages and x or y are set to values >=3 all your pages will be loaded.