Confige Option not work


11-03-2008 08:36:44

In PLSM2 .cfg file there is one option named "VisibleRenderables", The wiki said it is the radius number of tiles VISIBLE around camera. I set VisibleRenderables=10 but it didn't work, all my tile are loaded. I have 16 pages and 1024 tiles. MaxAdjacentPages and MaxPreloadedPages I also set very small.
Another question: when I see the sky, I think the renderables should be free , But It seems still be used when I see the overlay information.

These problems happened with the latest cvs code , but the demo zip package do not have this problem.
Is there some one meet the same problem.can you hlep me.?


12-03-2008 16:08:00

Is there some one can help me ? I am still waitting :( !