tuan kuranes
23-09-2005 14:22:46
Read WIKI page for all information
USE ogreaddons SVN and ogre SVN to get latest version, sdk is outdated (ogre 1.4).
Then use PLSM_vc8_SLN.sln which is the one that works for sure.
If you need help getting running, compiling or installing the plugin, AND didn't find informations on those pages, please post here.
Success stories are welcome too.
Please post plsm2 Version (svn or sdk).
texturemode used. (splattting, instantbasetexture, ...)
data source more (heighfield, heighfieldraw, ...)
Try to make the thread title clear, like those few samples :
[Help] Collision detection with Opcode
[Bug] Horizon Shader bad color output
[Contribution] Stitched Tile Getheight patch
Please don't PM or email moderators unless contract related question :
If you have a problem Forum is here for that, and answer are not only for you but, for next users that will stumble on same problem therefore helping reduce workload on moderators, therefore and give them more time to work on code for you.
USE ogreaddons SVN and ogre SVN to get latest version, sdk is outdated (ogre 1.4).
Then use PLSM_vc8_SLN.sln which is the one that works for sure.
If you need help getting running, compiling or installing the plugin, AND didn't find informations on those pages, please post here.
Success stories are welcome too.
Please post plsm2 Version (svn or sdk).
texturemode used. (splattting, instantbasetexture, ...)
data source more (heighfield, heighfieldraw, ...)
Try to make the thread title clear, like those few samples :
[Help] Collision detection with Opcode
[Bug] Horizon Shader bad color output
[Contribution] Stitched Tile Getheight patch
Please don't PM or email moderators unless contract related question :
If you have a problem Forum is here for that, and answer are not only for you but, for next users that will stumble on same problem therefore helping reduce workload on moderators, therefore and give them more time to work on code for you.