08-05-2008 14:42:23
I dont want to bother the user with compiling and installing a lot of weird dependencies (Ogre has enough of them), so I want to distribute PLSM as part of my project. The original source code, downloaded from CVS didnt compiled, so I went to a source that I knew it worked: Ember source code which has PLSM integrated right like I want.
Well, it worked fine under linux. Gcc compiles the whole code without problems. But when I do the same under Windows, using CodeBlocks+gcc or Visual C++ Express 2005, I got errors, most of them related to dll stuff.
Can somebody explain me how to solve this?
08-05-2008 16:23:06
Not to be mean or anything, but you are not giving people anything to solve, you are essentially only saying "solve my problem":/ Maybe if you include the error messages people will be able to recognize your error as you'll reach a broader audience specifying the problem.
09-05-2008 12:58:53
Here it is:
For gcc
I:\roger\projects\ark-plsm\plsm\src\OgrePagingLandScapeSceneManager.cpp|1747|error: function `void Ogre::PagingLandScapeSceneManager::getWorldSize(Ogre::Real*, Ogre::Real*)' definition is marked dllimport.
I:\roger\projects\ark-plsm\plsm\src\OgrePagingLandScapeSceneManager.cpp|1755|error: function `float Ogre::PagingLandScapeSceneManager::getMaxSlope(Ogre::Vector3, Ogre::Vector3, float)' definition is marked dllimport.
For Visual C
i:\roger\projects\ark-plsm\plsm\src\ogrepaginglandscapescenemanager.cpp(1747) : error C2491: 'Ogre::PagingLandScapeSceneManager::getWorldSize' : definition of dllimport function not allowed
i:\roger\projects\ark-plsm\plsm\src\ogrepaginglandscapescenemanager.cpp(1755) : error C2491: 'Ogre::PagingLandScapeSceneManager::getMaxSlope' : definition of dllimport function not allowed
i:\roger\projects\ark-plsm\plsm\src\ogrepaginglandscapescenemanagerdll.cpp(32) : error C2491: 'Ogre::dllStartPlugin' : definition of dllimport function not allowed
i:\roger\projects\ark-plsm\plsm\src\ogrepaginglandscapescenemanagerdll.cpp(41) : error C2491: 'Ogre::dllShutdownPlugin' : definition of dllimport function not allowed
i:\roger\projects\ark-plsm\plsm\src\ogrepaginglandscapescenemanagerdll.cpp(46) : error C2491: 'Ogre::dllStopPlugin' : definition of dllimport function not allowed