[splat maps] question on masks


12-10-2005 04:23:18

it is stated in gcanyon_height_4k2k.gen.cfg that coveragemap=yes but i couldn't find where the location of the coveragemap...

and the gcanyon example when run, seem to have only 1 base and 1 splatmap/detail texture.

can anyone shed any light on this?

tuan kuranes

12-10-2005 08:29:03

no coverage png files in the canyon directory ?

did you set paged = yes in .gen.cfg ?


12-10-2005 09:12:29

1. what's the difference between .cfg and .gen.cfg for the gcanyon terrain?

2. yes, there are generated gcanyon...coverage.x.x.png files but how come the mapsplitter started with only the gcanyon base texture and heightmaps and where is the mask file that states where the splats should be?

tuan kuranes

12-10-2005 09:42:10

1. .cfg => demo, .gen.cfg => mapsplitter

2. did you run mapslitter ? this creates all mask needed.


12-10-2005 10:53:34

1. ok

2. i don't quite understand what you mean by the mapsplitter generates all the masks required. perhaps you're refering to the mask for each tile?

but shouldn't the user/artist provide a "master" mask file to indicate where the splats should be on the entire terrain?

tuan kuranes

12-10-2005 11:09:56

2. mapslitter is the "all automatic way".
But you have a good point here. It can/should split master masks provided by users as it does for user-provided color maps (puget sound color map is splitter in tiles.)


12-10-2005 11:16:48

1. is the mapsplitter currently splitting any coverage map for pugetsound?

i didn't quite understand what you mean by 'puget sound color map is splitter in tiles).

the pugetsound datasrc also come in just the heightmap and a texture which looks like a IR satellite picture. is this colormap used as the coverage map? if so, then it looks like it's being used as the base map as well since it's textured onto the terrain, isn't it?

2. say if i have a heightmap, a base texture and now i want to specify my over coverage map (colormap with 4 channels, each referencing 1 splat map), how can i specify this in the .gen.cfg file?

thanks very much tuan.

tuan kuranes

12-10-2005 13:13:10

1. it generates a coverage map and split the supplied colormap (the one that looks like a IR satellite picture)

2. you can't for now, I'm thinking of how to do to add any number of input map to be just splitted like color map is.
Til that you can make a special .gen.cfg that just split your coverage map Like it does for the color map... so you just replace the color map filename you did put in .gen.cfg by your coverage filename in the "colormap=" part.


12-10-2005 15:06:02

1. ok

2. ok, i will try it out and see the effect.



13-10-2005 08:45:49

i tried changing this line:


and supplied my own dummy splatmap which is an rgba .png with just 4 squares of red, green, blue color and another in the alpha channel.

when i use mapsplitter tool to generate the pages and run it thereafter, there's no difference to how it look like without specifying the colormapname.

i was expecting to see only the 4 sqaure areas to have splat textures. or did i miss out setting any other textures?

tuan kuranes

13-10-2005 08:55:32

where did you change the line .gen.cfg or .cfg

if it's in the .gen.cfg you should get your "splatmap" splitted in the terrain data directory, no ?

what did you run after ?
The demo ?

If you want to use the splatmaps as splats, you have to run the demo using the appropriate TextureMode in the CFG file, and even make sure it the material used by your TextureMode uses your splatmaps.


13-10-2005 09:08:49

i changed the line in .gen.cfg

i'm running the gcanyon demo. i simply created a 4-channel mask as the coverage map and specified it in .gen.cfg

i'm keeping the individual splat textures the same, just want to control WHERE they are splatted using my mask/coveragemap.

so what other params should i tweak in order to see the masked areas as where i want to splat?

tuan kuranes

13-10-2005 09:36:46

1. did you get your RGBA map splitted ?

2. use SplattingShader texture mode in the cfg file, but make sure you replace the *coverage*.png files in the generated terrain data directory by your RGBA mask map.


13-10-2005 11:34:54

1. yes, i could see my rgba mask file splitted.

2. when you say "replace", do you mean i have to renamed all my splitted mask files to the *coverage*.png file names? or do i simply remove the *coverage*.png files?

i couldn't find the variable name which i need to change to "SplattingShader texture mode" from the .cfg file, can you point me to the variable name exactly?


tuan kuranes

13-10-2005 12:07:04

1. good.

2. yes.

3. TextureFormat=SplattingShader


13-10-2005 14:47:22

sorry tuan,

2. (yes) do you mean i remove the *coverage*.png files?

tuan kuranes

13-10-2005 15:01:36

Remove coverage file automatically created by mapsplitter (*coverage*.png)
Rename your "mask maps splitted files" to the name (*coverage*.png). (names that was used by the automatically created coverage files.)


14-10-2005 02:54:37

i've renamed all the splitted mask maps to *coverage*.png

have set TextureFormat=SplattingShader in gcanyon_4k2k.cfg but the demo crashed with this error. any clue?

Error #: 4
Function: PagingLandScapeOptions::getTextureFormatType
Description: TextureFormat not supplied!.

tuan kuranes

14-10-2005 07:52:36

Does you card support shaders ?
(check ogre.log)


14-10-2005 09:20:51

yes, i'm using GF6800 ultra graphics card.

tuan kuranes

14-10-2005 09:42:06

there's something wrong in the config files if it cannot make splattingshader works.

did you check ogre.log for errors.

If you're using the demo, cycle trough texturemode using 'k' key.

tuan kuranes

14-10-2005 09:43:59

What binary are you using ?

is that latest SDK compatible or CVS ?
you may be using an old version that doesn't support splattingshader...