[SOLVED] Updating to most recent PLSM


23-03-2006 17:05:54

Updating to 1.2RC1 broke my PagingLandscape app and I am having a heck of a time getting it working again! Has anyone else had this trouble? I am getting all kinds of asserts from inside the paginglandscape.dll! :?

tuan kuranes

23-03-2006 20:44:23

Updating to 1.2RC1 broke my PagingLandscape app and I am having a heck of a time getting it working again! Has anyone else had this trouble?

did you update ogre sdk only or plsm2 sdk only or both ?

am getting all kinds of asserts from inside the paginglandscape.dll
what kind ?


23-03-2006 20:55:40

Yeah, sorry about the vagueness! :oops:
I downloaded the release version of the Ogre source, built it and ported one of our apps over to it. Then I tried to port the app that uses the PLSM. I tried to rebuild the PLSM against the new Ogre, but I ran into a lot of error, so I downloaded the newest version from CVS. That built against the new Ogre without any trouble. I tried to port the app over and I ran into a lot of issues so I decided to do it right! (We had just hacked it together to make it work!) So I started over using some new classes that we made and cleaned up a lot of crap. Now the assert I am getting happens when I callResourceGroupManager::getSingleton().initialiseAllResourceGroups(); and it looks like this

When I trace it down into Ogre it dies hereGpuProgramManager& GpuProgramManager::getSingleton(void)
assert( ms_Singleton ); return ( *ms_Singleton );
in ogregpuprogrammanager.cpp after being called in the bool CgProgram::isSupported(void) method.

tuan kuranes

23-03-2006 21:29:44

Only time I have those sort of problem is DLL inconsistency.
Double check there is no older DLL (all dll listed in plugins.cfg must be up to date with ogremain.dll), rebuild all...


24-03-2006 16:32:50

Ok, last night I updated Ogre from CVS and the PLSM from CVS and rebuilt both of them, then I made sure that I was linking in the newest libs, (I double checked and I only have one set on this box) and rebuilt my app, copied the newly created dll's into the executable directory and I get the same issue?! :? It's the GpuProgramManager::getSingleton() that fails. Aparently there is no instance of the GpuProgramManager! Is there something I am doing wrong in code that could cause this? Here is the code for my main class so you can see how I initialize everything.
root = new Root;
// Load resource paths from config file
ConfigFile cf;

// Go through all sections & settings in the file
ConfigFile::SectionIterator seci = cf.getSectionIterator();

String secName, typeName, archName;
while (seci.hasMoreElements())
secName = seci.peekNextKey();
ConfigFile::SettingsMultiMap *settings = seci.getNext();
ConfigFile::SettingsMultiMap::iterator i;
for (i = settings->begin(); i != settings->end(); ++i)
typeName = i->first;
archName = i->second;
archName, typeName, secName);

// Initialise, parse scripts etc
root->showConfigDialog(); // This asks the user
win = root->initialise(true, "Ogre Framework");

sceneMgr = root->createSceneManager("PagingLandScapeSceneManager", "MainSceneManager");

camera = sceneMgr->createCamera("SimpleCamera");

viewPort = root->getAutoCreatedWindow()->addViewport(camera);
camera->setAspectRatio(Real(viewPort->getActualWidth()) / Real(viewPort->getActualHeight()));


listener = new DeviceListener(win, camera, sceneMgr,mainActor);


delete listener;
delete mainActor;
delete root;

void OgreApp::start()
root->startRendering(); // will not continue until a frame listener returns false.
// eg from pressing escape in this example

void OgreApp::createScene()
// Create a Sky Dome
sceneMgr->setSkyDome(true, "Sky", 5, 8, 4000, true);
// Setup the ambient light
sceneMgr->setAmbientLight(ColourValue(0.5f, 0.5f, 0.5f));
// Setup Shadows

mainActor = new MainActor(camera, true, "DC10.mesh", "MainActor", Vector3::ZERO, Vector3(0, 500, 1000), 1.0f);
mainActor->setPosition(Vector3(0, 150, 300));

light = sceneMgr->createLight("sun");

// Set up Overlay
// get the font manager
FontManager &fontMgr = FontManager::getSingleton();
// create a font resource
ResourcePtr font = fontMgr.create("MyFont","General");
// set as truetype
// set the .ttf file name
font->setParameter("source", "ARIAL.TTF");
// set the size
// set the dpi
// load the ttf

// get the overlay manager
OverlayManager& overlayMgr = OverlayManager::getSingleton();

// Create a panel
Ogre::OverlayContainer* panel = static_cast<OverlayContainer*>(
overlayMgr.createOverlayElement("Panel", "PanelName"));
panel->setPosition(10, 10);
panel->setDimensions(100, 100);

// Create a text area
TextAreaOverlayElement* textArea = static_cast<TextAreaOverlayElement*>(
overlayMgr.createOverlayElement("TextArea", "TextAreaName"));
textArea->setPosition(0, 0);
textArea->setDimensions(100, 100);
// set the font name to the font resource that you just created.
// say something
textArea->setCaption("Hello, World!");

// Create an overlay, and add the panel
Ogre::Overlay* overlay = overlayMgr.create("AverageFps");

// Add the text area to the panel

// Show the overlay

tuan kuranes

24-03-2006 16:39:50

Code seems ok.
Perhaps a plugin load order, does plugin_cgprogrammanager is loaded before scene manager plugins ?
Make sure you removed ogre.cfg too as format as changed.


24-03-2006 17:27:35

Here is my plugins.cfg:

# Defines plugins to load

# Define plugin folder

# Define plugins

Make sure you removed ogre.cfg too as format as changed.
What do you mean by this? Remove it from where?


24-03-2006 19:15:45

Ok, I put a break point inside of the constructor of Ogre::Singleton and as I step through it is being called by the following classes:
  1. Ogre::Root
    Ogre::GpuProgramManager extends Ogre::Singleton but the Singleton constructor is never called by that class so it seems that the Ogre::GpuProgramManager is never being created. Why may this be?

tuan kuranes

24-03-2006 19:34:46

What do you mean by this? Remove it from where?
delete the file so that Ogre creates a new one.

well, as nothing is wrong in code nor in Ogre, it still looks like a dll problem...

Make sure using depends.exe (given with vc++ or downloadable on the web) it's ok. can be exe not being updated, wrong lib, etc... try moving exe app into ogre common/bin/debug folder, etc...


24-03-2006 21:38:56

I opened it in the dependancy walker, but I don't really know what I'm looking for. The olny Ogre-based dll's that showed up were the DevIL dll's and OgreMain. The OgreMain.dll was the one I thought I was pointing to and was created yesterday. When I put the executable in the ogrenew/samples/common/bin directory it still dies, but this time it throws an unhandled exception at RenderSystemCapabilities* getCapabilities(void) const { return mCapabilities; } in OgreRenderSystem.h. Also I deleted the ogre.cfg file, but the app doesn't run long enough to create a new one.

tuan kuranes

25-03-2006 09:44:46

If you double check the dll... did you double check the Exe ?
(rebuild it if needed and check date)

Otherwise, have no idea...


25-03-2006 15:11:00

:? Ok, Thanks for the help! I really feel that it's something stupid that I'm doing! I'll keep hunting it down when I get back inthe office on Monday and I'll let you know if I find anything.


27-03-2006 19:31:53

Ok, I tracked most of the issues down. They were issues with the order I was doing things in, but now I have this error.
Error #: 7
Function: TextAreaOverlayElement::setFontName
Description: Could not find font BlueHighway.
File: c:\development\ogrenew\ogremain\src\ogretextareaoverlayelement.cpp
Line: 337
Stack unwinding: <<beginning of stack>>
13:13:57: An exception has been thrown!

And I can't figure out why it's even looking for that font!


27-03-2006 23:31:45

Alright! I got it working now, that last issue was that I had left the line in the resources.cfg file that pointed to the overlays! Thank you for all your help!