tuan kuranes
12-10-2005 21:22:00
I made a SDK compatible with nearly all latest feature, no occlusion culling as hwqueries aren't supported in ogre 1.05 :
There's a source or/and a V7.1 SDK binary.
DATASRC is included in both download (60 mb) no need to download the datasrc.zip.
Run mapsplitter prior to demo run.
13-10-2005 02:48:16
Thanks for the update!! Checking it out now.
13-10-2005 06:54:34
It could just be me, but you datasrcs.zip file does not have the paths that are needed by those files. It didnt seem clear that they each go into their own directory. Maybe include the paths into the zip? Just a suggestion.
Question: Should I have been able to extract this to its own directory and have it work? I downloaded the datasrc's and got rid of that error, but when I load it up, I get nothing but sky and no GUI. What happened to the GUI that Lucky Luciano programmed into this, or is this something completely different?
The latest error is this:
Error #: 8
Function: ResourceGroupManager::openResource
Description: Cannot locate resource alpes.Base.2.2.png in resource group PLSM2..
File: \gl\Api\cvs\OgreHead\ogre\OgreMain\src\OgreResourceGroupManager.cpp
Line: 493
Stack unwinding: Image::load(..) <- <<beginning of stack>>
23:42:17: *-*-* OGRE Shutdown
23:42:17: Unregistering ResourceManager for type Font
23:42:17: Unregistering ResourceManager for type Skeleton
23:42:17: Unregistering ResourceManager for type Mesh
23:42:17: Unregistering ResourceManager for type HighLevelGpuProgram
23:42:17: Unloading library .\Plugin_PagingLandScapeSceneManager2
23:42:17: Unloading library .\Plugin_CgProgramManager
23:42:17: *** Stopping Win32GL Subsystem ***
23:42:17: Unloading library .\RenderSystem_GL
23:42:17: Render Target 'OGRE Render Window' Average FPS: 497.499 Best FPS: 612.774 Worst FPS: 403.596
23:42:17: D3D9 : Shutting down cleanly.
23:42:17: Unregistering ResourceManager for type Texture
23:42:17: Unregistering ResourceManager for type GpuProgram
23:42:17: D3D9 : Direct3D9 Rendering SubSystem destroyed.
23:42:17: Unloading library .\RenderSystem_Direct3D9
23:42:17: Unregistering ResourceManager for type Material
23:42:17: Unloading library OgrePlatform.dll
Any ideas? That .png file that threw the error doesnt exist.
tuan kuranes
13-10-2005 08:50:37
sorry, didn't give the info : DATASRC is included. no need of datasrc
Just run mapsplitter, release preferrably, and then 1 Gb will be used by maps.
the binary can be extracted into its own directory and work. provided you use VC7.1.
tuan kuranes
13-10-2005 09:04:47
What happened to the GUI that Lucky Luciano programmed into this
it's mapeditor exe, and is not working for now.
15-10-2005 16:20:53
Ran the mapsplitter and it looks wonderful. Nice work guys. Can't wait for the editor.
16-10-2005 11:21:18
I keep getting this error on compilation:
..\src\OgrePagingLandScapeOctreeSceneManager.cpp:1002: error: no matching function for call to `Ogre::PagingLandScapeOctree::traversal(Ogre::ViewFrustumCullingTraversalDirect)'
../include/OgrePagingLandScapeOctree.h:151: note: candidates are: virtual void Ogre::PagingLandScapeOctree::traversal(Ogre::Traversal&)
../include/OgrePagingLandScapeOctree.h:155: note: virtual void Ogre::PagingLandScapeOctree::traversal(const Ogre::TraversalConst&)
../include/OgrePagingLandScapeOctree.h:159: note: virtual void Ogre::PagingLandScapeOctree::traversal(const Ogre::ConstTraversalConst&) const
I used to get that error with the CVS too, why does this happen?
tuan kuranes
16-10-2005 13:13:12
ViewFrustumCullingTraversalDirect temp (mOcclusion);
mPagingLandScapeOctree->traversal (temp);
16-10-2005 14:15:52
Next error
..\src\OgrePagingLandScapeOgreOctree.cpp:62: error: no `void Ogre::PagingLandScapeOctree::_getChildIndexes(const Ogre::AxisAlignedBox&, int&, int&, int&) const' member function declared in class `Ogre::PagingLandScapeOctree'
..\src\OgrePagingLandScapeOgreOctree.cpp: In member function `virtual Ogre::OcclusionBoundingBox* Ogre::PagingLandScapeOctree::getOcclusionBoundingBox()':
..\src\OgrePagingLandScapeOgreOctree.cpp:162: error: cannot convert `Ogre::WireBoundingBox*' to `Ogre::OcclusionBoundingBox*' in assignment
..\src\OgrePagingLandScapeOgreOctree.cpp: At global scope:
..\src\OgrePagingLandScapeOgreOctree.cpp:169: error: no `void Ogre::PagingLandScapeOctree::_addToRenderQueue(Ogre::Camera*, Ogre::RenderQueue*, bool)' member function declared in class `Ogre::PagingLandScapeOctree'
..\src\OgrePagingLandScapeOgreOctree.cpp:181: error: no `void Ogre::PagingLandScapeOctree::_addAlreadyNotifiedToRenderQueue(Ogre::Camera*, Ogre::RenderQueue*, bool)' member function declared in class `Ogre::PagingLandScapeOctree'
Why are there so may errors in the SDK, shouldn't it almost compile out-of-the-box?
16-10-2005 15:29:55