Hi Guys,
Another new kid on the block.
Hum, maybe this is a good place to start my posts on my needs here since to start off with I need to get my terrains into Ogre. /smiles....
The first step as we know is to get a good terrain to start to build with. I had thought we would have a GUI now as a world editor that works for Ogre, but as yet, me or my programmer has not found one, bummer. If there one out there that works good yet? I need a link /winks.
OK, I have been using L3DT and terragen for most terrain needs as I can get most file format to go out, ok. I can export out to TGEA, fine, but there ATLAS editor still is so wonky I got fed up and walked away from GG. Problem is how the frack do I get them into Ogre?? from what I have been reading it's this tool right? Well I have 16 bit raw files up the yang Ho, so I am good there, enough terrains for 10 video games right now /winks....no chit hahaha rotfl.
But my programmer partner read that maybe I can bring in terrains just as a .ter file. Is that the same file format that a Terragen file is, or is some one using the same file extension? I have seen that one before and it got me all messed up, haha.
This forum looks promising and I am wanting to try this LPSM and see if it can work for me, but didn't see the download for it or a tutorial on how to use it, any links other then screens of peoples work?
I am making Huge terrain worlds, with massive Texture maps that go up to 8192 at the smallest and the Torgue engine can take em when it is not buggy, so I figure that Ogre should be able to do it much better, and easier I am hoping.
So in closing here, is there a world editor that can build from Terrain to export out the whole scene with Ogre?, I have just installed O'fusion and that should help some, but I really want to bring in all my files directly into the Ogre engine if possible.
here are some screens of my craft and what I need to bring in via a World editor. Sky boxes, atmo, and all the rest to get the feeling I want in world.
Some pretty Pictures to share my craft and what I need to get into Ogre.
Various stages of Dev for the terrain files.
Thanks for your help guys./smiles.......