[Solved] PLSM2 don't show terrain


26-12-2008 16:27:18

I'm a PLSM2 newbie (and this is my first game ever made), but I want to use it because it seems the most powerfull terrain manager out there.

This game has many singletons: the most important one is Core (http://code.google.com/p/killingzone/so ... e/Core.cpp) which initializes the other singletons, handles game states and the main loop.
The GraphicsManager (http://code.google.com/p/killingzone/so ... anager.cpp) initializes Ogre and CEGUI, it is also responsible for scene manager creation.
It also shows a loading screen (at the momenty I took it from the Ogre examples, it uses a simple overlay with a progress bar), but I noticed that I just can't show it without calling setWorldGeometry() so I created a simple file (http://code.google.com/p/killingzone/so ... errain.cfg) which doesn't load any map.

I took the puget_sound example terrain and tossed it into my Media folder (just renamed: in case you are wondering I made a copy of puget_sound in the PLSM2 folder renaming it to level1, and then run MapSplit), it works fine with PLSM2 demo program.

Level1 stuff is there: http://code.google.com/p/killingzone/so ... ls/Level1/

The World class (http://code.google.com/p/killingzone/so ... /World.cpp) is responsible for loading the terrain with setWorldGeometry("levels.cfg"), levels.cfg is made following the PLSM2 examples (http://code.google.com/p/killingzone/so ... levels.cfg).

Unfortunately I can only see the sky made with Caelum and not the terrain.
I am sure I am not doing something important, but looking at the examples everything seems OK.


26-12-2008 16:55:23

I found that if I call setOption("LoadNow", NULL) after setWorldGeometry("levels.cfg") it shows the terrain, now I only have to tweak some Caelum parameters and make NxOgre aware of the terrain loaded by PLSM2.