Some1 help, with everything


10-04-2006 02:06:37

:lol: I want to use PLSM2, it took me 3 and a half hours to connect to the CVS and get the thing, finally i get it non of the projects are compiled or built, non have the right dependencies, and to top it off the installation guide tells me to DL, DL, Run unfortunately the Run doesnt work :twisted:

so! if the dependencies arnt right then i have the folder in the rong place, so where realitive to the OgreSDK folder am i supposed to put the pageinglandscape folder i got? Do i have to DL another version of the Ogre Precompiled SDK to use this. Im thuroughly baffled. Im using the one that i DLed here


10-04-2006 06:15:45

The guide is definately in need of some rewriting. We're actually struggling to get the thing to compile and run ourselves. We got the mapsplitter to run, it's just the actual PLSM demo we're having trouble with now.

tuan kuranes

10-04-2006 08:20:38

The guide is definately in need of some rewriting.
I need feedback or/and rewriters (wiki is collaborative) for that.

OgreSDK folder am i supposed to put the pageinglandscape folder i got?
CVS plsm2 is for CVS ogre.
PLSM2 SDK source is for OGRE binary SDK
In you case, you should really use SDK

it's just the actual PLSM demo we're having trouble with now.
What sort of troubles ?


10-04-2006 10:34:36

Well currently I am going to try one more technique (building now), and if I can't get it to work I'll start a thread with details.

I don't mind updating the wiki on how to install PLSM CVS with the newest Ogre CVS once we get it working and realize what the troubles were.


10-04-2006 14:48:20

Well still having the same problem here.

I'm running the latest Ogre CVS and latest PLSM2 CVS with the datasrc from your website.

Currently I am running mapsplitter and plsm2 demo application out of:


Since I was getting errors with all the demos with fonts and overlays under the PLSM section, I commented the two out in resources.cfg and was able to get the ogre demos running again.

Mapsplitter works fine and produces the correct image files into folders in:


Now when I try to run the demo application with these settings:

# Defines plugins to load

# Define plugin folder

# Define plugins



# resource group name

#do you want to run it on all maps listed here

# Resource locations to be added to the 'boostrap' path
# This also contains the minimum you need to use the Ogre example framework

# Resource locations to be added to the default path


# FileSystem=../../../Media/paginglandscape2/fonts
# FileSystem=../../../Media/paginglandscape2/overlays





# need to download from for those

# resource group name where to find map definition

# Try forbidden textureformat combinations

When I try to run the demo executable I get a crash. The ogre log doesn't show an error but these are the last lines:

06:30:19: Win32Input8: Establishing keyboard input.
06:30:19: Win32Input8: Keyboard input established.
06:30:19: Win32Input8: Initializing mouse input in immediate mode.
06:30:19: Win32Input8: Mouse input in immediate mode initialized.

I feel like I've tried everything (over the past few days). Any help would be appreciated.


10-04-2006 15:00:54

PLSM2 SDK source is for OGRE binary SDK

could some1 give me a direct link to the PLSM2 SDK that will work with my SDK, please i went around in circles hours on end yesterday searching for it. I need a link that i can click-n-get. I have an existing OGRE SDK can any PLSM2 work with it, if so plz a click-n-get link
spare me! :cry:

Im so confused *bangs head against table* I would be happy to write an install guide, if i knew how to install!


10-04-2006 15:04:41

Comon mate, this link is everywhere. :wink:

Back to MY pain and suffering. :shock:


10-04-2006 15:17:40

0_o.... I thought that was his source to a demmo not the SDK *bangs head against table again* At least i fixed the dependencies =D


10-04-2006 15:24:27

NP, the binary + SDK is a piece of cake to install. It's the CVS that I'm having trouble with. :wink:


10-04-2006 15:25:28

Thanks Joshua for the help!

tuan kuranes

10-04-2006 15:36:49

@Joshua : Your Ogre CVS doesn't have blue highway ? Make sure you got CVS ogre tag v1-2.
And try with terragen_genrated as default map.


10-04-2006 16:03:29

Tuan, thanks for the fast reply.

I've tried it with each of the maps, both included and not included in the datasrc.

As for BlueHighway, it didn't come with my OgreCVS as is echoed by Casey here: ... luehighway

Does PLSM need the overlays and fonts to be uncommented in resources.cfg to run? Could that be what's causing the crashes in my setup where they are commented out?


10-04-2006 16:07:37

sry to bug you again but i have a slight problem compiling the PLSM2 Project in the solution I get a funny link error from a bad path...

Plugin_PagingLandScapeSceneManager2 fatal error LNK1181: cannot open input file 'E:\Program.obj'

any1 know what the problem is....

tuan kuranes

10-04-2006 16:13:24

what compiler is that ?
if your ogre or plsm2 is in E:/program files/ .../
It seems not to handle "long filenames with space".
Try to recompile or/and move the whole thing to a path wihtout space in its name.


10-04-2006 16:14:50

MSVC++ .Net 2003


10-04-2006 16:31:12

Try installing the directories directly in C:/OgreSDK/

And make sure that your Ogre enviornment variable is correct.


10-04-2006 16:41:16

if i compile it could i just use the DLL and move everything back to where it was, most of my projects directly link to where ogre is now...

tuan kuranes

10-04-2006 16:45:42

@Joshua: blue highway font IS in ogre cvs tag v1-2. if not it's not Ogre CVS v1-2. I didn't test without fonts but I guess it surely can cause some troubles

@Tocs1001: you 'll save you other bugs in future as well you move it to a non spaced paths. And use Ogre Enviromment variable insted of hard linking, will save you time in future too.


10-04-2006 16:47:07

I'll give it another shot. Perhaps there my CVS didn't update the needed files. I'm starting from scratch again now. :wink:

Just so I have the ordering correct, the process should be this:

1. Checkout Ogrenew into Ogrenew
2. Drop in Dependencies
3. Checkout Ogreaddons
4. Drag Tools, Scripts, Media folders from PLSM folder to Ogrenew (I've tried both dragging and dropping and simply adding the different lines to the makefiles so as not to replace anything important, not sure which method is better)
5. Build Ogre solution
6. Build PLSM solution and mapsplitter solution from their respective scripts directories.
7. Drag mapsplitter to samples/common/bin/release
8. Create a maptool.cfg and paginglandscape2.cfg and make sure resources.cfg points to PLSM directories.
9. Extract datasrc to ogrenew/samples/media
8. Run Mapsplitter
9. Execute demo

This is what my last few tries have consisted of. Is this correct?


10-04-2006 17:21:02

The only thing you didn't mention, Joshua, is in Step 1 if you're getting Ogre HEAD or Ogre 1.2. To get 1.2 you have to change your checkout command to ask for it.

Personally, I add PLSM, MapSplitter and PLM2 demo to the Ogre solution.

PagingLandscapeManager2.cfg should already exist I think in the debug and release folders if you've done step 4.

I personally just got it all working using Ogre HEAD about 3 days ago from scratch on a new computer without too many problems. I had a problem with the blue highway and fixed it by changing some code in the demo, but that's because I got Ogre HEAD instead of v 1_2

I also used my own Paginglandscape2.cfg and terrain cfg files, so I can't vouch for the ones included in Addons.

I also had to set the working folder for the Demo I think, so that it ran from bin debug or release instead of the script folder.

And I may have gotten an resource folder error, I think I had to remove the paginglandscape media fonts folder from the Resources.cfg, but again I assume it's because of 1.2


10-04-2006 17:41:07

I'm checking out Ogre HEAD, not using Ogre 1.2.

Is there a compatability problem with this?


10-04-2006 18:14:51

Yeah, hence the reason tuan mentioned it like 5 times. The fact is that Sinbad is updating 1_2 not HEAD while he's working on release candidates for Dagon, so 1_2 is the most recent version of Ogre, not HEAD.


10-04-2006 18:15:04

Yey i got the Dll! thx guys


10-04-2006 18:26:12

Yeah, hence the reason tuan mentioned it like 5 times. The fact is that Sinbad is updating 1_2 not HEAD while he's working on release candidates for Dagon, so 1_2 is the most recent version of Ogre, not HEAD.
I guess it's true what they say when you "assume." :roll:

I didn't realize the changes would be breaking for the plugin I suppose. Thanks for the help (now I can sleep).


10-04-2006 18:35:14

I don't know about it breaking the plugin necessarily. One of your posts said that you got it all compiling but when running the demo it crashed and the log didn't say anything interesting.

Have you stepped through in debug - set a breakpoint near where it's crashing, etc, to find out what it's crashing on?


10-04-2006 18:40:50

It looks like it's crashing right before loading the terrain files. But I'll have to sleep (10:24 am here) before giving it another go. :wink:

It's good to know however, that it's not just me doing something silly.


10-04-2006 18:48:58

:? boy this is frustrating.... i finaly got the DLL to compile so i have the plugin (Yey) but now im working on getting the MapSplitter to work, but it says it cant find the resouces.cfg file and the plugins.cfg file while they are sitting in the directory it is in.... and the plugin path is .


10-04-2006 18:54:39


Are you trying to vent, or trying to get help? Because that's not enough information for help. Where are you running MapSplitter from? (tools folder or bin\debug bin\release folder? What do you mean plugin path? Are you using the PATH environment variable? If so that can sometimes confuse things, better to try working without it.

Are you running it from visual studio? Do you have the working folder set up properly if so?


10-04-2006 19:07:28

E:\OgreSDK\Plugins\Tools\MapSplitter\bin\debug is the folder im trying to run from, i coppied the debug Plugin_PagingLandScapeSceneManager2.dll there along with all the other DLL's for a debug application, i coppied the .cfg files from the debug folder in Plugins/bin into the folder also. then tried to run it. it thew an exception of cannont find Plugin.cfg and another acception of not being able to find resources.cfg :? sry for the lack of info in last post, I also moved in Ogre.cfg from the Debug folder of OgreSDK

my ogre.log for the exe is quite short.

13:08:51: Creating resource group General
13:08:51: Creating resource group Internal
13:08:51: Creating resource group Autodetect
13:08:52: Registering ResourceManager for type Material
13:08:52: Registering ResourceManager for type Mesh
13:08:52: Registering ResourceManager for type Skeleton
13:08:52: MovableObjectFactory for type 'ParticleSystem' registered.
13:08:52: Loading library OgrePlatform_d.dll
13:08:52: OverlayElementFactory for type Panel registered.
13:08:52: OverlayElementFactory for type BorderPanel registered.
13:08:52: OverlayElementFactory for type TextArea registered.
13:08:52: Registering ResourceManager for type Font
13:08:52: ArchiveFactory for archive type FileSystem registered.
13:08:52: ArchiveFactory for archive type Zip registered.
13:08:52: DevIL version: Developer's Image Library (DevIL) 1.6.7 Oct 28 2005
13:08:52: DevIL image formats: bmp dib cut dcx dds gif hdr ico cur jpg jpe jpeg lif mdl mng jng pcx pic pix png pbm pgm pnm ppm psd pdd psp pxr sgi bw rgb rgba tga vda icb vst tif tiff wal xpm raw
13:08:52: Registering ResourceManager for type HighLevelGpuProgram
13:08:52: Registering ResourceManager for type Compositor
13:08:52: MovableObjectFactory for type 'Entity' registered.
13:08:52: MovableObjectFactory for type 'Light' registered.
13:08:52: MovableObjectFactory for type 'BillboardSet' registered.
13:08:52: MovableObjectFactory for type 'ManualObject' registered.
13:08:52: MovableObjectFactory for type 'BillboardChain' registered.
13:08:52: MovableObjectFactory for type 'RibbonTrail' registered.
13:08:52: An exception has been thrown!

Error #: 8
Function: ConfigFile::load
Description: 'plugins.cfg' file not found!.
File: d:\ogredev\dagon\ogremain\src\ogreconfigfile.cpp
Line: 79
Stack unwinding: <<beginning of stack>>
13:08:52: plugins.cfg not found, automatic plugin loading disabled.
13:08:52: *-*-* OGRE Initialising
13:08:52: *-*-* Version 1.2.0 (Dagon)
13:08:52: An exception has been thrown!

Error #: 8
Function: ConfigFile::load
Description: 'resources.cfg' file not found!.
File: d:\ogredev\dagon\ogremain\src\ogreconfigfile.cpp
Line: 79
Stack unwinding: <<beginning of stack>>
13:08:56: *-*-* OGRE Shutdown
13:08:56: Unregistering ResourceManager for type Compositor
13:08:56: Unregistering ResourceManager for type Font
13:08:56: Unregistering ResourceManager for type Skeleton
13:08:56: Unregistering ResourceManager for type Mesh
13:08:56: Unregistering ResourceManager for type HighLevelGpuProgram
13:08:56: Unregistering ResourceManager for type Material
13:08:56: Unloading library OgrePlatform_d.dll


10-04-2006 19:46:34

Probably easier to copy the mapsplitter.exe into the samples\common\bin\debug or release folder, that's what I do. I put a suggestion in the wiki that we should do a post build event that copies it to that directory the same as the samples do.

Better yet, run the mapsplitter project from visual studio and set its working directory to the samples common bin debug folder so you can break into and see it running.



10-04-2006 19:51:48

And there lies the wierd thing, i have no samples/comon/ anywhere...
im thinking it might be the way i installed it...

After downloading The source from Tuans website, i put it all in a folder and stuck this in the ogreSDK folder, some of the folder names inside that folder match folders above it like, bin, media, samples. Was i supposed to take all of that and idividually stick each peice from the corrisponding folder into the OgreSDK directory? :oops:


10-04-2006 20:30:00

I don't know, I've never set up the SDK versions of Ogre or PLM2, but yeah, I'm pretty sure. You do that when setting up the CVS version. You take the Samples, Tools and Plugins folders from CVS and copy them write over the Ogre ones.


11-04-2006 22:23:56

Is the Ogre Source download from the main page identicle to the 1.2 on CVS (which I'm trying to figure out how to checkout)?


11-04-2006 23:09:21

On Tuan's website there's an SDK download that is compatible with the current Ogre 1.2 RC1 SDK download available on the Ogre website.

The CVS version of the Paging Landscape Manager is more up to date and is compatible with the CVS version of Ogre v1_2. If you don't know anything about CVS I'd suggest you stick with the SDK.


12-04-2006 03:18:38

I've run CVS and SVN servers for projects, personally so your comment "If you don't know anything about CVS" was inaccurate and uncalled for.

When I said I was figuring out how to checkout, it was simply my confusion on the branch name, not how CVS works, and yes after frustration and lack of sleep sometimes people make simple mistakes.

In my last post, I was simply asking whether the v1-2 branch was the same as the Source download provided from the main site.

A "yes" "no" "not sure" or no response would have sufficed nicely.


12-04-2006 03:36:10

Piss off, if you don't want my help don't ask. Definitely don't get snooty. I wasn't saying you don't know CVS. I was saying IF you don't know CVS, you're best to stick with the SDK. It was a suggestion.

To further clarify, as far as I know, the v1_2 branch is the most recent version of Ogre and is more recent than both Ogre HEAD and the SDK posted on the site.


12-04-2006 05:15:36

I have never asked you for help, and don't intend to. I've only ever been polite and supportive of your efforts. I'll just steer clear. :wink:


12-04-2006 06:36:42

Joshua, I have seen your being polite before - and I don't like it one bit. :?


12-04-2006 08:45:59

No worries; I am so fond of the community that the last thing I want is to cause rifts.

Sorry for taking offense Falagard. You and Tuan have tried hard to help us and I appreciate it.

Everything is working famously now, and I'm about to see if I can't improve the clarity of the wiki for users like me and Tocs and Da, and any new users of the plugin.


12-04-2006 17:37:53

I'm about to see if I can't improve the clarity of the wiki for users like me and Tocs and Da, and any new users of the plugin.
That would be appreciated, very much so! :)