10-04-2006 17:06:19
Taking a break from trying to get PLSM CVS to work, I have a question on texturing for PLSM2.
Is there a mode that combines splatting closer to the camera and a precomputed user image for the far away terrain (from what I've seen of splatting modes it looks like the closest thing is Splatting2 with a base texturing for the further LOD).
Going through the docs and looking at the demo, I'd like to sort combine the best of both worlds. Forgive me if this question is redundant or obvious.
10-04-2006 17:26:29
The current solution for that is to use the base texture after a certain distance. I'm pretty sure some of the splatting modes do this, like you said, Splatting2 does for sure. The problem is that it uses colours that you define in your terrain.cfg and really doesn't work in my situation where I have a terrain editor that you can paint splatting textures.
It's a fairly high priority on my list (probably around number 94 out of 387 todos on my list) to look into performing a render to texture of each page from above using a specific splatting mode and then save that out to disk so it can be used for the purpose you want, so that distant pages use a single merged texture that looks nearly the same as the splatting texture mode did.
So what I expect is to be able to export terrain out of my editor and generate all these renders, somehow. Apply the material to a quad and set up a viewport and camera for a render to texture operation, do the render to texture, then save to a file is sorta what I'm expecting.
Tuan has said he's interested in it as well, but hasn't seemed to be convinced that it's necessary. Dude, it is
10-04-2006 17:47:47
Well if you take a look at Oblivion even on the highest settings, they use splatting for the closest range and then switch to a super low detail texturing system for the distance which never quite seems distant enough.
Not going as far as you have with that excellent design, I was thinking more along the lines of generating and exporting a higher quality texture in Terragen with a surface map (their terminology) that matches our splatting textures, and setting it to render in the distance rather than simple colors, then blending that into the splatting texture closer up. A customizable splatting render like you described would be even more flexible. I'd definately be for it.
The main point is that I think the distance LOD textures should look more continuous and higher quality.