PLSM for a mesh-based level?


15-04-2006 20:22:55

I have a very large level that I have divided into many square "chunks" (or tiles have you). Separating the level helps right away with culling, etc, and I was moving toward implementing LOD for the tiles, but still having them blend without visible seams between.

A possible solution might be to manually create LODs and only merge interior vertices of each tile, leaving the exterior verts alone so they match the adjecent tile (which could possibly have a different LOD)

So can I (or will I be able to) use PSM in this sort of senario? Perhaps replacing (or assisting) my LOD system?

Basically, I love the functionality that PLSM provides (great work!), but my world has more complex geometry (vertical rock faces, caves, cliffs, etc) than can be conveyed in a heightmap, so I modeled it as a mesh.

here is a VERY simple test map i made (not my actual level) that I was working with to test various things:


16-04-2006 01:30:32

From my understanding about how plsm2 works, just create a blank map (a map that is as large as you need, but with the heightmap deleted afterwords) setting tile sizes and such as need-be, then just use the callbacks to set meshs as needed. I think it would work well. I would love it if I could do it in 3 demensions rather then just two though. :)


17-04-2006 07:20:25

Well that does seem like it would work pretty well... I haven't had a chance to dive in to PLSM too far beyond basic tinkering yet, but knowing it provides callbacks is quite sufficient for integrating my ideas.

Hmmm... 3D dynamic LOD maps? what sort of project do you have up your sleeve? :D Maybe a space shooter with lots a asteroid and ship geometry? Sweet...

I wonder how difficult it would really be to adapt the manager for a 3rd dimension.


17-04-2006 08:45:29

PLSM2 is an Octree scene manager, just specialized for 2d and for objects. I would like that object paging, but for 3d as well, not just for heightmaps. I just fudge it using the OctreeSM for now, but it would be more efficient if it was written as paging considering the complexity of my areas, my paging is not as efficient as it should be.