05-06-2009 15:58:27
I'm working on implementing Caelum into my code(which is pretty much a direct copy of the practical application code found on the ogre wiki).
But for some reason my application is not creating the desired Caelum affect(I don't see any sky, clouds, or sun. the sky is simply blank). All it is doing is creating some weird coloration problems on my terrain...
i set it up using this code:
And i'm calling this in my main loop right before i call ogre->renderOneFrame();
I know i probably have the wrong parameter in updateSubcomponents, but i just put that number there until i can finish writing a proper timer.. so i'm not sure what the problem is.
Here is a little cut out of my ogre log, though after looking at it i don't believe it says anything having to do with this problem. But maybe someone will notice something that i am not looking for. but to me it looks normal.
Any ideas?
But for some reason my application is not creating the desired Caelum affect(I don't see any sky, clouds, or sun. the sky is simply blank). All it is doing is creating some weird coloration problems on my terrain...
i set it up using this code:
//Caelum implemantation
// Trying to disable one of these can be useful in finding problems.
Caelum::CaelumSystem::CaelumComponent componentMask;
componentMask = static_cast<Caelum::CaelumSystem::CaelumComponent> (
Caelum::CaelumSystem::CAELUM_COMPONENT_SUN |
Caelum::CaelumSystem::CAELUM_COMPONENT_MOON |
componentMask = Caelum::CaelumSystem::CAELUM_COMPONENTS_DEFAULT;
// Initialise CaelumSystem.
mCaelumSystem = new Caelum::CaelumSystem (Root::getSingletonPtr(), mSceneMgr, componentMask);
// Set time acceleration.
mCaelumSystem->getUniversalClock ()->setTimeScale (512);
And i'm calling this in my main loop right before i call ogre->renderOneFrame();
mCaelumSystem->notifyCameraChanged (mCamera);
I know i probably have the wrong parameter in updateSubcomponents, but i just put that number there until i can finish writing a proper timer.. so i'm not sure what the problem is.
Here is a little cut out of my ogre log, though after looking at it i don't believe it says anything having to do with this problem. But maybe someone will notice something that i am not looking for. but to me it looks normal.
10:00:23: Finished parsing scripts for resource group CEGUI
10:00:23: Parsing scripts for resource group Caelum
10:00:23: Parsing script DepthRender.program
10:00:23: Parsing script GroundFog.program
10:00:23: Parsing script Haze.program
10:00:23: Parsing script MinimalCompositorVP.program
10:00:23: Parsing script CaelumSample.material
10:00:23: Parsing script DepthComposer.material
10:00:23: Parsing script GroundFog.material
10:00:23: Parsing script LayeredClouds.material
10:00:23: Parsing script moon.material
10:00:23: Parsing script PointStarfield.material
10:00:23: Parsing script Precipitation.material
10:00:23: Parsing script SkyDome.material
10:00:23: Parsing script Starfield.material
10:00:23: Parsing script Sun.material
10:00:23: Parsing script DepthComposer.compositor
10:00:23: Parsing script Precipitation.compositor
10:00:23: Parsing script TestSkyScript.os
10:00:23: Finished parsing scripts for resource group Caelum
10:00:23: Parsing scripts for resource group General
10:00:23: Finished parsing scripts for resource group General
10:00:23: Parsing scripts for resource group Internal
10:00:23: Finished parsing scripts for resource group Internal
10:00:23: Parsing scripts for resource group Samples
10:00:23: Parsing script DepthRender.program
10:00:23: Parsing script GroundFog.program
10:00:23: Parsing script Haze.program
10:00:23: Parsing script MinimalCompositorVP.program
10:00:23: Parsing script CaelumSample.material
10:00:24: Parsing script DepthComposer.material
10:00:24: Parsing script GroundFog.material
10:00:24: Parsing script LayeredClouds.material
10:00:24: Parsing script moon.material
10:00:24: Parsing script PointStarfield.material
10:00:24: Parsing script Precipitation.material
10:00:24: Parsing script SkyDome.material
10:00:24: Parsing script Starfield.material
10:00:24: Parsing script Sun.material
10:00:24: Parsing script DepthComposer.compositor
10:00:24: Parsing script Precipitation.compositor
10:00:24: Parsing script TestSkyScript.os
10:00:24: Finished parsing scripts for resource group Samples
10:00:24: TerrainSceneManager: Activated PageSource Heightmap
10:00:24: Texture: terrain_dirt-grass.jpg: Loading 1 faces(PF_R8G8B8,256x256x1) with hardware generated mipmaps from Image. Internal format is PF_X8R8G8B8,256x256x1.
10:00:24: Texture: terrain_detail.jpg: Loading 1 faces(PF_R8G8B8,256x256x1) with hardware generated mipmaps from Image. Internal format is PF_X8R8G8B8,256x256x1.
10:00:25: *** Initializing OIS ***
10:00:25: Caelum: Initialising Caelum system...
10:00:25: Caelum: Plugin not installed; installing now.
10:00:25: Caelum plugin version 0.5.0 installed
10:00:25: Registering ResourceManager for type PropertyScript
10:00:25: Caelum: Creating caelum sub-components.
10:00:25: Texture: EarthClearSky2.png: Loading 1 faces(PF_A8R8G8B8,64x64x1) with 0 generated mipmaps from Image. Internal format is PF_A8R8G8B8,64x64x1.
10:00:25: Texture: AtmosphereDepth.png: Loading 1 faces(PF_R8G8B8,32x1x1) with hardware generated mipmaps from Image. Internal format is PF_X8R8G8B8,32x1x1.
10:00:25: Caelum: Creating CaelumSphericDome sphere mesh resource...
10:00:25: Caelum: generateSphericDome DONE
10:00:25: Texture: sun_disc.png: Loading 1 faces(PF_A8R8G8B8,128x128x1) with 0 generated mipmaps from Image. Internal format is PF_A8R8G8B8,128x128x1.
10:00:25: D3D9 : Loading 2D Texture, image name : 'moon_disc.dds' with 5 mip map levels
10:00:25: D3D9 : Loading 2D Texture, image name : 'noise1.dds' with 5 mip map levels
10:00:25: D3D9 : Loading 2D Texture, image name : 'noise2.dds' with 5 mip map levels
10:00:25: D3D9 : Loading 2D Texture, image name : 'noise4.dds' with 5 mip map levels
10:00:25: Caelum: DONE initializing
10:00:41: Caelum: Shutting down Caelum system...
10:00:41: Caelum: Delete UniversalClock
10:00:41: *-*-* OGRE Shutdown
10:00:41: Unregistering ResourceManager for type Compositor
10:00:41: Unregistering ResourceManager for type Font
10:00:41: Unregistering ResourceManager for type Skeleton
10:00:41: Unregistering ResourceManager for type Mesh
10:00:41: Unregistering ResourceManager for type HighLevelGpuProgram
10:00:41: Uninstalling plugin: D3D9 RenderSystem
10:00:41: D3D9 : Shutting down cleanly.
10:00:41: Unregistering ResourceManager for type Texture
10:00:41: Unregistering ResourceManager for type GpuProgram
10:00:41: D3D9 : Direct3D9 Rendering Subsystem destroyed.
10:00:41: Plugin successfully uninstalled
10:00:41: Unloading library .\RenderSystem_Direct3D9_d
10:00:41: Uninstalling plugin: Octree & Terrain Scene Manager
10:00:41: Plugin successfully uninstalled
10:00:41: Unloading library .\Plugin_OctreeSceneManager_d
10:00:41: Uninstalling plugin: Cg Program Manager
10:00:41: Plugin successfully uninstalled
10:00:41: Unloading library .\Plugin_CgProgramManager_d
Any ideas?