so i asked cdleonard if i could merge some patches, so here we go:
- moved code from sourceforge to google code:
- merged datetime patch
- removed all buildsystems (were quite buggy) and replaced them with a cmake buildsystem
the new cmake buildsystem uses cpack to pack the compiled binaries together, so i just uploaded this result compiled against Ogre 1.7.2: ...
more to come
16-05-2011 10:38:51
looking forward to giving it a go^^ Keep up the good work!
01-06-2011 20:10:41
There is the possibility of compiling boost with 1:44?
I'm not able to compile. Please look at the attached image to see the errors.
There is the possibility of compiling boost with 1:44?
I'm not able to compile. Please look at the attached image to see the errors.
ouch, in cmake i hardwired "windows" for using the visualc++ compiler.
seems i need to change that in order to support mingw. I still dont get why people crosscompile under windows :-/
01-06-2011 21:10:21
But visual studio is not free
01-06-2011 22:10:22
The version 0.5 worded with mingw, So for now just focus on visual studio?
02-06-2011 14:27:24
It is free for student but not for profissionals.
And in the splash screen of the Visual Studio Express is write: "For evaluation Purposes Only. Use of this software should be limited to evaluation purposes only"
02-06-2011 14:39:30
They advise not to use or prohibit?
20-01-2015 21:02:06
I wish try to porte caelum to ogre2.0...
can I create a caelum repository to github and start the process??
04-02-2015 19:24:11
MmixLinus is right
<link removed>
We are moving out our dependencies from our main repository, and we thought it would be a good opportunity to create a code suppository with useful addon projects maintained by the community.
I have changed my mind because it seems like Caelum is being kept alive at Google.code, see below
11-02-2015 15:21:44
i've created the repository
with a indipendent 0gre 1.10 working demo
the caelum have some changes that i've done, like the sun shape, the moon phase and the utc inside the astronomy check
16-02-2015 06:47:45
I am seriously considering deleting the OgreAddons version of Caelum because I found Caelum on Google code and that seems to be taken care of:
@Ghiboz: I see that you have re-licensed Caelum from LGPL to MIT which you cannot do. It is not a decision you can make, unless you have contacted all contributers and gotten their written consent. That's how licensing works, I'm afraid.
You can check out the Google code Caelum and see if they have a need for your improvements
17-02-2015 00:09:41
before to create the repository i've asked to the mantainer of the google code:
I haven't been involved with Ogre in years. There is an addon forum for Caelum but it seems to be mostly dead.
I see no reason why you can't to setup a new repository somewhere.
I change the license, sorry
20-02-2015 19:35:15
before to create the repository i've asked to the mantainer of the google code:
I haven't been involved with Ogre in years. There is an addon forum for Caelum but it seems to be mostly dead.
I see no reason why you can't to setup a new repository somewhere.
I change the license, sorry
Cdleonard is most probably out of the loop.
Check the changes:
We must be careful not to create too many forks.
No need to apologise
08-06-2015 22:58:58
We are moving out our dependencies from our main repository, and we thought it would be a good opportunity to create a code suppository with useful addon projects maintained by the community.
tdev has left Ogre scene long ago to work on BeamNG and Torque3D engine. As it seems at this moment Caelum development goes ad hoc in different places with no maintainership.
Currently the
ogreaddons caelum repository is the most active by
recent commit count.
Google Code one has had
exactly 3 commits since 2012.
Should bitbucket repo be considered upstream from now on?
- If yes, did you cherry pick these three commits (incl. Ogre 1.10 patch) from Google Code version?[/*:m]
- If no, then GCode hg has to move since the former is closing shop soon.[/*:m][/list:u]