Bug Camera??


09-02-2009 16:39:52


I'am using caelum on my app, and i realized that when my camera is a son of a scene node different of root and this scene node is translated, the sky flicks.

Anybody know how to avoid this problem?



09-02-2009 18:04:26

This is a common problem (just search in the forum).
The reason is the update order of the nodes. If the sky position is updated before the camera parent moves, the whole dependency is out of sync.

@cdleonard: Do you think there is a way to solve this issue at caelum side?



10-02-2009 18:07:07

I tried update sky on end, on start, and occurred same problem.. =\

Will be that is a other problem?
Because the clouds are perfect, only colour sky stay black.

PS. I not find other topic in forum about this.


10-02-2009 19:41:10

I tried update sky on end, on start, and occurred same problem.. =\

Will be that is a other problem?
Because the clouds are perfect, only colour sky stay black.

PS. I not find other topic in forum about this.

I´m really sure that this is the problem (I had the same issues).
The clouds are not affected because they are childs of a special scene node since the last version of caelum.
How do you update the sky?



10-02-2009 20:21:12

I tried resumes my situation.


10-02-2009 20:32:04

My app is a little different, a I have a kernel with more features beyond of ogre. I'am programming in lua script.

In resume my app is:

updateWorld() // main loop
dt = getDeltaTime() // return timeSincelastFrame
here i have a avatar(SceneNode), and my camera is a child of avatar. I move avatar, and my camera moves too, of course.
ceu:update(dt)// ceu is a object of caelum - in c++ is ( mCaelumSystem->updateSubcomponents(dt))

This is my implemetation, i tried put ceu:update(dt) in begin of function updateWorld(), but same issues.


PS: sorry for my poor english ;]


11-02-2009 11:50:22

Because the clouds are perfect, only colour sky stay black.
can you see the moon/sun with a circle around it?


11-02-2009 15:14:14

not, only clouds.