Snow in Caelum


13-04-2009 07:41:47

Hello everyone, i want to know how PrecipitationType = Snow or others are working in the Caelum system, as i want to change the snow, currently when snow falls there is no stack of snow on the terrain for sometime, as in Particle universe we use the Affector DeflectorPlane to stack the snow on the ground, how i do this in the Caelum, plz reply me its very urgent and thanx in advance.


13-04-2009 11:50:38

The precipitation effects in Caelum are simply compositors, not particles. So you can't really have a screen effect stack snow... I would just stick to what you are doing with Particle Universe.


13-04-2009 12:11:16

Hi DanielSefton, its mean with Cealum, i cannot get the stack of snow on the ground. But is there any other way to do with the Cealum not with the Particle Universe? As in PU i have snow but not the good one so i want to use Caelum. BTW its a very imp feature of snow and Caelum should handle this in the future release.


13-04-2009 23:44:18

Hi DanielSefton, its mean with Cealum, i cannot get the stack of snow on the ground. But is there any other way to do with the Cealum not with the Particle Universe? As in PU i have snow but not the good one so i want to use Caelum. BTW its a very imp feature of snow and Caelum should handle this in the future release.
No. You can't. It's a screen effect, it doesn't actually interact with the world. Caelum is a library for rendering skies, not for particles. Particle Universe is the best you can do. Also, you can make it look good, you just need a nicer particle effect probably...

Maybe you could use a hybrid? Like, use Caelum's precipitation system for the effect, and have Particle Universe building up snow behind it?


14-04-2009 06:50:21

hi DanielSefton , no i m not using hrbrid, i also tried this with the Particle universe, but when it renders its not good , and not display on my whole scene. See the .particle file which i used for this.


particle_system mySnow
quota 5000
material Examples/Flare
particle_width 8
particle_height 8
cull_each true
renderer billboard
billboard_type point

emitter Box
angle 0
colour 1 1 1 1
colour_range_start 1 1 1 1
colour_range_end 1 0.861111 0.861111 0
direction 0 -1 0
emission_rate 50
position 0 200 0
velocity 20
velocity_min 20
velocity_max 20
time_to_live 20
time_to_live_min 20
time_to_live_max 20
duration 0
duration_min 0
duration_max 0
repeat_delay 0
repeat_delay_min 0
repeat_delay_max 0
width 200
height 200
depth 10

affector DeflectorPlane
plane_point 0 0 0
plane_normal 0 1 0
bounce 0

i m still confused whats wrong with this. if u have any then let me know. Thanx in Advance


26-06-2009 03:04:03

I' working on snow too (my project requires it), my idea was simple (and probably suitable for your thing):

- caelum renders the snow texture to the screen (appears to be snowing..)
- a particle system builds up spaces of snow in the ground (appears that the snow actually piles up in lil' spots on the ground level).

The easy part for me is the ground is actually a plane with no further requirements of complexity (no height map, no need for physix on gravity or colisions to keep everything on top of the ground).

So.. basicly: I'll try to create a simple particle system that makes pieces of snow appear on the ground, as they we're the result of snow pilling up.
I hope I can show the result soon, I'm still very new to Mogre/Ogre and specially to ParticleSystems scripting, but I'll give it a change. Its quite a basic idea so its probably suitable for my level.
