15-01-2009 15:11:05
I've noticed that Demo_PCZTestApp.exe is linked against PLUGIN_PCZSCENEMANAGER_D.DLL (somehow, wasn't able to find it in VC9 project Linker/Input/Additional dependencies, this is strange, however it IS linked).
I understand that the reason is that you have to call PCZSceneManager::init - I had to add PLUGIN_PCZSCENEMANAGER_D import library to my test application linker configuration in order to build it, too.
But is this normal? I mean, as a design decision - having to link against another lib, which I understand, is loaded dynamically by OgreMain anyhow (when you load plugins that is).. It just doesn't sit well with me.
Oh, and as it had been mentioned already somewhere (http://www.ogre3d.org/forums/viewtopic. ... 02#p307302), PCZ SM dll MUST be in the same directory where the executable is. Otherwise it wouldn't start at all.
I understand that the reason is that you have to call PCZSceneManager::init - I had to add PLUGIN_PCZSCENEMANAGER_D import library to my test application linker configuration in order to build it, too.
But is this normal? I mean, as a design decision - having to link against another lib, which I understand, is loaded dynamically by OgreMain anyhow (when you load plugins that is).. It just doesn't sit well with me.
Oh, and as it had been mentioned already somewhere (http://www.ogre3d.org/forums/viewtopic. ... 02#p307302), PCZ SM dll MUST be in the same directory where the executable is. Otherwise it wouldn't start at all.