Lighting issues


22-02-2009 07:06:25

Well, its more some questions than issues really, i recently added PCZSM to my project, and im not sure how it handles the lighting between zones, basically i have an interior zone connected with the exterior, and works fine with all objects and terrain:

I have an exterior light (white) and interior light (yellow).
I want to occlude the exterior light when im inside the house, but how can i do this? It doesn't work even if i hide very well from the outside, still get the two lights working.You can see the two shadows under the character and the reflection on the walls.
The two lights are properly atached to the right zones.

Maybe its a simple answer, i hope.
Thanks in advance.


11-03-2009 04:50:58

PCZSM only does very rough culling of lights via portals. It does not do "fine" occlusion of lights. You'll need to figure out a solution on top of the list of lights that PCZSM says is visible..



11-03-2009 18:08:24

Ok, thanks, im changing the entire lighting system on my project so this is kind of obsolete.