64 bit compatibility


12-05-2010 12:39:55

do you know if latest Pyton Ogre 1.7.RC1 is compatible with Python 64 bit in a Windows 64 bit environment (which is becoming more and more common)?
Or should i use python 2.6.5 32 bit version only?
And in this last case the result works flawlessy in a 64 bit windows 7?
thank you in advance for your answers :-)


12-05-2010 23:16:16

As far as I know it is not. You have to use the 32bit Python.

I tried it a week ago on this 64bit machine running Vista. And I got compatibility errors.
So python 2.6.5 32bit version is what you want. I's will workon a 64bit windows / machine.


13-05-2010 11:22:37

Thank you!