A problem about pyogre 1.2


13-06-2006 14:08:26

My program was working in 1.0.6
but do not work in 1.2.0
the only problem is the bone do not turn or do any action.
I'm not sure why. are there any changes of the method yaw()?


global direction
global Rada

if direction < 0 and Rada < -0.1:
direction = 1
if direction > 0 and Rada > 1.0:
direction = -1

Rada = Rada+0.1*direction
rad = ogre.Radian(0.1*direction)

bone = skeletons[0].getBone("Bone31")

bone = skeletons[0].getBone("Bone04")
rad = ogre.Radian(-0.03*direction)

bone = skeletons[0].getBone("Bone23")
rad = ogre.Radian(-0.1*direction)


13-06-2006 19:34:58

Theres been a number of changes in the way that Ogre handles animation, check here:

Maybe if you post the relevant parts of your code someone will be able to help. Here's an example of manually controlling bones, which appears to work correctly, if it's any help:

# This code is in the Public Domain.
from pyogre import ogre
import SampleFramework as sf

class SkeletalApplication(sf.Application):

def _createScene(self):

sceneManager = self.sceneManager
camera = self.camera

sceneManager.ambientLight = (0.5, 0.5, 0.5)

# create entity and enable
entity = sceneManager.createEntity('robot0', 'robot.mesh')
sceneManager.rootSceneNode.createChildSceneNode((0, 0, 0)).attachObject(entity)
entity.getAnimationState('Walk').enabled = True

# get the skeleton instance
skeletonInstance = entity.skeleton
anim = skeletonInstance.getAnimation('Walk')

# define the bones to manually control and destroy the bone's node track
for i in xrange(0,5):
bone = skeletonInstance.getBone(i)
bone.manuallyControlled = True

# lights
light = sceneManager.createLight('BlueLight')
light.position = (-200, -80, -100)
light.diffuseColour = (0.5, 0.5, 1.0)
light.position=(9, 0, 0)
light = sceneManager.createLight('GreenLight')
light.position = (0, 0, -100)
light.diffuseColour = (0.5, 1.0, 0.5)

# camera
camera.position = (100, 50, 100)
camera.lookAt(-50, 50, 0)

# Report whether hardware skinning is enabled or not
subEntity = entity.getSubEntity(0)
material = subEntity.material
technique = material.bestTechnique
techniquePass = technique.getPass(0)
if techniquePass.hasVertexProgram and techniquePass.vertexProgram.skeletalAnimationIncluded:
self.renderWindow.debugText = 'Hardware skinning is enabled'
self.renderWindow.debugText = 'Software skinning is enabled'

self.skeleton = skeletonInstance

def _createFrameListener(self):
self.frameListener = SkeletalAnimationFrameListener(self.renderWindow, self.camera,

class SkeletalAnimationFrameListener(sf.FrameListener):
def __init__(self, renderWindow, camera, skeleton):
sf.FrameListener.__init__(self, renderWindow,camera)
self.skeleton = skeleton

def frameStarted(self, frameEvent):
for i in xrange(0,self.skeleton.numBones):
b = self.skeleton.getBone(i)
if b.manuallyControlled:
return sf.FrameListener.frameStarted(self, frameEvent)

if __name__ == '__main__':
application = SkeletalApplication()
except ogre.OgreException, e:
print e


14-06-2006 02:33:52

It is working now.

added a sentence

bone.manuallyControlled = True

thank you very much!