Directory Trees


31-07-2006 22:05:58

I have already posted before. My problem is in the directory trees. Can anyone give me a correct way to set up the directory trees. It seems about as difficult as cracking a safe pass code.

I don't know what the heck I should be putting where. So now I'm just copying everything everywhere which is only getting me more and more confused.

Please help.


31-07-2006 22:27:25

I remember the wiki has a section on this.

The pyOgre wiki is at:

and directory setup:



01-08-2006 00:23:38

thanks, the directors are now functional. but I am still getting this one... =/

Error #: 4
Function: ParticleSystem::CmdBillboardType::doSet
Description: Invalid billboard_type 'perpendicular_common'.
File: ..\src\OgreBillboardParticleRenderer.cpp
Line: 222


01-08-2006 00:57:00

What version of pyOgre are you using?. It looks like you may be using the media files from Dagon (1.2.x) and running pyogre 1.0.6 or media files from pyogre 1.0.6 and running pyogre 1.2. See this thread: ... ularcommon


01-08-2006 04:22:56

Thanks a lot man. It was a lot easier with that post to help me out. You rock!

Ogre's so fast I'm getting 1400 fps on my beautiful blank screen (running 1st tutorial)!