Particle Affectors not working


06-02-2008 21:31:17

I'm having a problem that I have narrowed down to particle affectors in the .particle file. The only one that doesn't seem to have a problem is LinearAffector. See the code below. Once I run the code, python.exe crashes with nothing in the console log. If I comment out attaching the object, it works fine. app.sceneManager.createParticleSystem(name + str(self.num) + "pring", "Platform/PoisonRing")

This is the particle code. If I remove all but the linear affector, the code runs. With either or both of the other affectors, the code dies.

quota 2000
material PE/smoke
particle_width 44.04
particle_height 39.25
cull_each false
renderer billboard
billboard_type oriented_self

emitter Ring
angle 0
colour 0.5 1 0.3 1
colour_range_start 0.5 1 0.3 1
colour_range_end 0.5 1 0.3 1
direction 0 1 0
emission_rate 173.9
position 0 10 0
velocity 0
velocity_min 0
velocity_max 0
time_to_live 1.951
time_to_live_min 1.951
time_to_live_max 1.951
duration 0
duration_min 0
duration_max 0
repeat_delay 0
repeat_delay_min 0
repeat_delay_max 0
width 75
height 75
depth 3
inner_width 0.7174
inner_height 0.7317

affector LinearForce
force_vector 0 -20 0
force_application add

affector ColourFader
red 0
green 0.08696
blue 0
alpha -0.5

affector Scaler
rate -0.5

The particle script was generated in the particle editor and was working fine there.