problems building python-ogre on linux (ubuntu 8.04)


03-03-2008 08:55:34


my first post here so hello python-ogre community. I know python and I decided i want to try some 3d programming so I chose python-ogre for it.

I've followed instructions for building from source and i've been having some troubles. Here are errors I encountered while building source from SVN head (revision 578):

  1. - ./boostrap in ois-1.0RC1 fails as it needs automake 1.9 and one is not found, but i have it installed and is accessible under automake-1.9. I know it's ugly solution, but i just commented out lines that check for right automake version in boostrap file from ois-1.0RC1.tar.gz.

    - -g -c ois fails because root/usr/include/boost-1_34_1 does not exist. I just copied boost_1_34_1 from development/ and renamed to boost-1_34_1.

    - -g -c ois fails again as ld cannot find "-lboost_python-gcc41-1_34_1" because i have gcc 4.2. I just edited development/python-ogre/, line with LIB_Boost to use gcc 4.2.

    - -b install fails because there is no NxOgre_09 folder in development/python-ogre/packages_2.5/ogre/physics, but there is NxOgre, so i just renamed that one.[/list:u]

    I've been able to fix these, everything else worked. But after exporting paths and editing them in files I'm unable to run any python-ogre demo, they fail with:

    Traceback (most recent call last):
    File "", line 15, in <module>
    import ogre.renderer.OGRE as ogre
    File "/home/grim/Desktop/development/root/usr/lib/python2.5/site-packages/ogre/renderer/OGRE/", line 10, in <module>
    from _ogre_ import *
    ImportError: /home/grim/Desktop/development/root/usr/lib/python2.5/site-packages/ogre/renderer/OGRE/ undefined symbol: _ZN5boost6python8indexing13integer_slice8in_rangeEi

    (if it's relevant: I have AMD64, but i'm running only 32-bit software.)

    How to fix this? Thanks in advance.

    (edit: typo)

soren renner

06-03-2008 02:15:54 -g -c ois fails because root/usr/include/boost-1_34_1 does not exist. I just copied boost_1_34_1 from development/ and renamed to boost-1_34_1.

Well, that helps a lot! Thx.