Compound Objects - FAQ


21-04-2006 15:07:58

Please tell me, how to create several compound objects and calculate parameters for it(inertia,volume,offset).
I understand, how to work with single objects, but with compound...I don't now. How to aatach several nodes for compound objects?


25-04-2006 09:34:32

I've got something that is maybe close to what you're looking for. The compound collision shape gets built correctly, but I don't yet know have to calculate the correect moment of inertia.

cPhysicsWorld, cIsland and several other things are my classes, so don't worry about those.

My "islands" are made up of a bunch of convex hulls, and the individual collisions for those are also created in this code, and then added to a std::vector which is then passed into OgreNewt::CollisionPrimitives::CompoundCollision.

Hope it makes sense! I just copied directly from my code but I can probably give more info if you need it.

Good luck...

OgreNewt::Body* cPhysicsWorld::createIslandBody(cIsland* pIsland)
// build the compound collision object

// first make a temporary array of all the hex collisions, including offsets
std::vector<OgreNewt::Collision*> collArray;
int numHexes = 0;

for(HEX_LIST_ITERATOR hexIter = pIsland->getHexListBegin(); hexIter != pIsland->getHexListEnd(); hexIter++)
const Ogre::Vector3& pos = (*hexIter)->getSceneNode()->getPosition();
const Ogre::Quaternion& orient = (*hexIter)->getSceneNode()->getOrientation();
OgreNewt::Collision* pHexColl = createConvexHull(cHexManager::kPlainHexMeshName, pos, orient);


// count up hexes in order to determine total mass

// create the compound collision
OgreNewt::Collision* pCompoundColl = new OgreNewt::CollisionPrimitives::CompoundCollision(mpWorld, collArray);

// create the body
OgreNewt::Body* pBody = new OgreNewt::Body( mpWorld, pCompoundColl );
delete pCompoundColl; // ref counted, so don't need this one anymore

// compute moment of inertia
//ASSERT(!"wrong - how to calc properly?");
#pragma message ("WRONG - need to calc using")
Ogre::Vector3 inertia = OgreNewt::MomentOfInertia::CalcCylinderSolid( cHexManager::kfHexMass,

// set mass and inertia matrix
float fTotalIslandMass = cHexManager::kfHexMass * numHexes;
pBody->setMassMatrix(fTotalIslandMass, inertia );

// set the standard force callback (as well as buoyancy below?)

// set the buoyancy callback
pBody->setCustomForceAndTorqueCallback( fastdelegate::MakeDelegate( this, &cPhysicsWorld::standardForceCallback) );

// return pointer to the body
return pBody;
