Error while build OgreNewt


08-09-2009 08:03:19

Hi I am very new to OgreNewt.

I'm using Visual C++ 2008....

I installed....

  1. Ogre SDK C:\SDK\OgreSDK
    Newton-2.08 C:\SDK\NewtonWin-2.08\sdk
    OgreNewt C:\SDK\OgreNewt

    and I added Ogre and Newton to VC++ 2008 global include/library directories like these...

    Tools->options->project and solutions->VC++ directories

    ---------library files

    But I cannot build my OgreNewt_Main project(including any OgreNewt Projects).....

    When my press build button, I faced these kind of errors....

    error C3861: 'NewtonConvexCollisionSetUserID': identifier not found
    error C3861: 'NewtonBodySetAutoactiveCallback': identifier not found
    error C3861: 'NewtonWorldFreezeBody': identifier not found
    error C3861: 'NewtonWorldUnfreezeBody': identifier not found
    error C3861: 'NewtonBodyCoriolisForcesMode': identifier not found
    error C3861: 'NewtonBodySetAutoFreeze': identifier not found
    error C3861: 'NewtonBodySetFreezeTreshold': identifier not found
    error C3861: 'NewtonBodyGetSleepingState': identifier not found
    error C3861: 'NewtonBodyGetAutoFreeze': identifier not found
    error C3861: 'NewtonBodyGetFreezeTreshold': identifier not found
    error C3861: 'NewtonAddBodyImpulse': identifier not found

    error C2660: 'NewtonCreateConvexHullModifier' : function does not take 2 parameters
    error C2660: 'NewtonCreateBox' : function does not take 5 parameters
    error C2660: 'NewtonCreateSphere' : function does not take 5 parameters
    error C2660: 'NewtonCreateCylinder' : function does not take 4 parameters
    error C2660: 'NewtonCreateCapsule' : function does not take 4 parameters
    error C2660: 'NewtonCreateCone' : function does not take 4 parameters
    error C2660: 'NewtonCreateChamferCylinder' : function does not take 4 parameters
    error C2660: 'NewtonCreateConvexHull' : function does not take 5 parameters
    error C2660: 'NewtonCreateConvexHull' : function does not take 5 parameters
    error C2660: 'NewtonCreateCompoundCollision' : function does not take 3 parameters
    error C2660: 'NewtonCreateConvexHull' : function does not take 5 parameters

    Please correct me If I am wrong


08-09-2009 13:17:24

Looks like you are using the old wrapper for NGD 1.5 but the latest NGD 2 library. Get the latest wrapper, that is updated by Melven, from SVN - that works with the latest version :P


11-10-2009 10:33:33

I got the same problem^^ I take the version from the trunk but the good one is here: ... t/newton20 ;)