How to make More accurate?


11-08-2010 08:23:09

is my code

OgreNewt::ConvexCollisionPtr col=OgreNewt::ConvexCollisionPtr(new OgreNewt::CollisionPrimitives::ConvexHull(mWorld,mEntity,0));

that is my Effect Picture

How to make More accurate?

sorry for my poor english
thanks for your help


11-08-2010 17:28:37

Make multiple (convex) collision shapes from some parts of your model. Update this shapes when pose or position change. What you are doing is create convex hull from mesh. It's convex and don't change when model pose changes that's why it looks like this.


12-08-2010 01:27:36

Make multiple (convex) collision shapes from some parts of your model.?

how can i to do that?


12-08-2010 11:20:32

You will have to dvide your body into convex shapes in a 3d modeler or use bones to get vertices that belong to this bone and make convex collision body out of it.


15-08-2010 10:26:19

You seem to have some stray vertices in your model like the one above model head.