Not able to Compile OgreNewt


01-06-2006 04:55:11

I am getting som class missing errors Ogre::MannualObject class not found, I have looked for it in Ogre API mannual but its not there. (I have November 2005 Ogre Build and Latest OgreNewt).

d:\Learning\OgreSDK\ogreaddons\OgreNewt\OgreNewt_Main\inc\OgreNewt_Debugger.h(65): error C2039: 'ManualObject' : is not a member of 'Ogre'

d:\Learning\OgreSDK\ogreaddons\OgreNewt\OgreNewt_Main\src\OgreNewt_Debugger.cpp(11): error C2065: 'm_debuglines' : undeclared identifier
and many more errors regarding m_debuglines.

Please help me sorting out this problem.


01-06-2006 05:31:16

Make sure you have Ogre Dagon release.


01-06-2006 06:53:49

yup. please update to Ogre 1.2 (dagon)


02-06-2006 13:54:06

Thanks OvermindDL1 and Walabar for so much quick response I am going to download the fullsource and dependencies.

Thanks once again I want to keep exlporing the OgreNewt