Translation of bodies


08-03-2011 21:35:00

Hello all,

i have to move collision-objects from one position to another due to a level-paging implementation.

First, there are Ogre-SceneNodes attached to OgreNewt-Bodies (body->attachNode(node);) and that works.
Now, if i translate the Ogre-SceneNodes, it is okay for graphics, but the old collision model is still active.
The OgreNewt-Object stays at the old position!

I have tried to call "body->setPositionOrientation" and "body->setStandardForceCallback()", but it
doesn't work. Does anyone have an idea how to move collision objects to a desired position?

Kind regards


23-03-2011 13:11:26

How big is your phyics bounding size? Maybe your position of the body is outside the bounding. Furthermore if you attach the scenenode to a body, then the scenenode is bound to the body, thus you can't move the scenenode directly.


23-03-2011 18:58:15

@Lax: Your last information was the point:

I moved the Body correct but did not consider the attached SceneNode.
So I moved the Meshes again and that was far beyond the boundaries of the world :)

Thank you very much!!