problem with link


20-07-2011 08:27:32

i can compile with cmake in linux, but i can't link it in my project...
here is the error:

in eclips:
make:***[projectName] error 1
(I think it is no useful information...)

I just

here is the in Release:
LIBS := -laudiere -lOgreNewt -lNewton -lOgreMain -lOIS

or set the position like this:
LIBS := -laudiere -lNewton -lOgreMain -lOgreNewt -lOIS

same error...

if I delect -lOgreNewt ;it will compiled...
LIBS := -laudiere -lNewton -lOgreMain -lOIS

and i an a new linux,eclips user... :?

thank you


21-07-2011 22:13:03

Is that the only information the linker gives you? It's possible that it can't find the file it's looking for. You can try putting in your /usr/lib directory. You can use this command in terminal:
$ sudo cp /path/to/library/file/ /usr/lib

Also, you shouldn't be editing the makefile with eclipse unless you know what you're doing. and If it compiles without linking with libOgreNewt than, you don't use any code from OgreNewt so you don't need it now anyways.