How to create a chain


09-07-2006 18:35:42

Hey guys,

I am trying to create a chain that will hang from the ceiling and move when the player runs into it. I am pretty new to ogre newt and have no idea how to start creating this. Any ideas?


10-07-2006 16:48:35

I create chain, but in fact it is no chain - it is joints. I create In MAX elements of chain and assign with them box collisions, then create joints. It is the best way to create very performance chain. But small collisions will not pass through apertures in elements.

Screenshots from ogre:


11-07-2006 04:23:41

Thanks for the reply,

Your screenshots look awesome and are exactly what I am looking for!

In max do you model the whole chain linked together or do you just model one link and then in ogre code put all of the links together. Like I said, I am knew to ogreNewt so an explaination of the modeling and integrating would be helpful.

How do you assign them box collisions, is that in some sort of MAX exporter or is that in code?

I read a post that talks about ball and socket joints is that what you use?



11-07-2006 12:42:42

I use ball and socket joint with limits (look documentation). In max I create my own script-physics-editor. It allow create joints(abstract). Then this script export information about joints in scene. Then ogre import this information and create any count of joints.