missing something with Vehicle


28-07-2006 13:49:36

Where exactly is the tires collison createD?
i have tried to search for it, but ti ni avail, can someone point me to it?


29-07-2006 07:02:22

it is created automatically by the Newton joint, from the information you pass it.

look at the constructor for the Tire class.


29-07-2006 12:13:40

:s witch onE? mine just says mSteering = steering


29-07-2006 13:02:51

For anything vehicle, you should REALLY take a look at StuntPlayground source code - it's very well done. I'm fairly certain that the license on the code is "none what-so-ever" so you can probably use most of the code there or at least learn from it.


30-07-2006 03:54:14

Vehicle::Tire::Tire( OgreNewt::Vehicle* vehicle, Ogre::Quaternion localorient, Ogre::Vector3 localpos, Ogre::Vector3 pin,
Ogre::Real mass, Ogre::Real width, Ogre::Real radius, Ogre::Real susShock, Ogre::Real susSpring, Ogre::Real susLength, int colID)
m_vehicle = vehicle;
m_node = NULL;

float matrix[16];

OgreNewt::Converters::QuatPosToMatrix( localorient, localpos, matrix );

m_tireid = NewtonVehicleAddTire ( m_vehicle->getNewtonVehicle(), matrix, &pin.x, mass, width, radius,
susShock, susSpring, susLength, this, colID );
