

08-09-2006 06:23:25

For those interested in using Ogre + .NET this may interest you :)

I have ported OgreNewt to .NET and integrated it with Mogre.

Downloads are here:

Mogre + MogreNewt release DLLs
MogreNewt sample code

The sample uses some media files from OgreNewt.

Things to keep in mind:

-Not all classes are tested, if you find any problems let me know by posting here
-In a future release the API will change to .NET naming conventions and I will include proper xml comments for intellisense.

Here's a pic from the MogreNewt sample:


08-09-2006 11:38:17

excellent! My next projects will use MOgre I think but in the mean time would this work with OgreDotNet? I imagine not but it can't hurt to ask :)


08-09-2006 12:05:44

It will if you replace all Mogre references by ODN.

You can get the source from here.

Conversions to Ogre types are implicit in Mogre, i.e.
Mogre::SceneNode^ sn = node;
Ogre::SceneNode* ogreNode = sn;

For ODN I imagine you will use the SWIG functions that return the native pointer and cast it to the Ogre type.


08-09-2006 17:04:34

There was a bug in the Vehicle class, I fixed it, added Attached/Detached events to the Tire class and updated all the downloads.

I also added a SimpleVehicle sample demo.


08-09-2006 20:41:49

cool! great work!