prob in tutorial


14-10-2006 23:35:20


this is regarding the starter tutorial "OgreNewt_Tutorial1" .. The problem is because the tutorial trys to:

mOgreNewtListener = new OgreNewt::BasicFrameListener( mWindow, mCamera, mSceneMgr, mWorld, 120 );
mRoot->addFrameListener( mOgreNewtListener );

It's tryin to call a 5 arg constructor which is not existing in the OgreNewt::BasicFrameListener class. The one I could find was like:-

BasicFrameListener(Ogre::RenderWindow* win, Ogre::SceneManager* mgr, OgreNewt::World* W, int update_framerate = 60);


I'm able to get the application to work.. (by removing mCamera)

but i thought i would inform the persons concerned..


15-10-2006 01:52:50

thanks. I'll update that.