

29-10-2006 10:38:54

I have read the documentation for many days about the mass/force, but i really cannot understand the following code about mass.
anyone can help would be appreciated.

Ogre::Vector3 inertia = OgreNewt::MomentOfInertia::CalcSphereSolid( 10.0, 1.0 );
body->setMassMatrix( 10, inertia );

Thanks :)


29-10-2006 14:42:19

What part do you not understand?

If you do not know what the moment of inertia method does, I'll try to give some short explanation. Please correct me if I am wrong.

Moment of inertia defines how the mass of an object is spread over the object. A ring of the same dimensions and mass has a completely different spread of this mass as opposed to a closed cylinder, or a solid sphere, or a hollow sphere.

The first function calculates a Matrix holding information about this spread, which you can apply to a rigid body (done in the second function).


29-10-2006 16:12:32

cool!!! very clear!

Thank you so much! :D :D :D Appreciated!


29-10-2006 16:29:21

Moment of Inertia is like mass but for rotations only. This page has a good list of parallels: here. Remember Newton is a dynamics engine, so its helpful that you have a basic grasp of the physics behind dynamics to use it.


29-10-2006 18:37:19

Mmm, yups, my mistake... :oops:
Clear page though on the subject, good to see these equivalents next to eachother