Complied OgreNewt Raycast Error


07-01-2012 14:21:58

I am new in OgreNewt and I've followed the topic about the complied Ogre and Newton ,and the Demo01_TheBasics is OK,but the following Demo cannot be complied the Error is
OgreNewtonApplication.cpp(139) : error C2259: “OgreNewt::BasicRaycast”:
“bool OgreNewt::Raycast::userCallback(OgreNewt::Body *,OgreNewt::CollisionPtr &,Ogre::Real,const Ogre::Vector3 &,int)”: is abstracted.

Anybody tell me what is the problem...thx


17-02-2012 08:34:52

I think the problem is the same with mine.
My OgreNewt2 version is Revision 2986.
This problem is the functions, "BasicRaycast::userCallback" and "Raycast::userCallback", are different .
Please find the function "BasicRaycast::userCallback" in "OgreNewt_Raycast.h" and "OgreNewt_Raycast.cpp".
And modify the variables in "BasicRaycast::userCallback" as same as them in "Raycast::userCallback".
Rebuild it and try the demo again!


01-11-2012 05:06:51

Nice surprise about this shorter form. Can you tell us what it is you are talking/writing about?
Has any info. about this shorter form been posted before (and i just missed it)?