Subclassing BasicRayCast

Night Elf

23-01-2007 14:18:32

I've subclassed BasicRayCast like this:

class BodyTypeFilteredRayCast : public OgreNewt::BasicRaycast

int _bodyType;


BodyTypeFilteredRayCast(int bodyType, const OgreNewt::World* world, const Ogre::Vector3& startpt, const Ogre::Vector3& endpt)
: BasicRaycast(world, startpt, endpt), _bodyType(bodyType) { }
bool userPreFilterCallback(OgreNewt::Body* body);

bool BodyTypeFilteredRayCast::userPreFilterCallback(OgreNewt::Body* body)
int bodyType = body->getType();
return bodyType == _bodyType;

This class filters bodies based on their body type. The problem is that BodyTypeFilteredRayCast::userPreFilterCallback never gets called, Raycast::userPreFilterCallback is called instead... Am I doing something wrong?


24-01-2007 16:45:56

I would guess that Walaber forgot to either make it virtual, or he is trying to call it from the constructor. :P


21-12-2007 20:40:21

Same problem here. My code is quite similar to the above, and userPreFilterCallback doesn't get called neither. While debbuging, I put a breakpoint in the function but the program never reaches it.

Night Elf: Did you ever solve the problem?

Edit: inheritance problems. That was it. Solved inheriting directly from Raycast & copping some functions from BasicRaycast to my new raycasting class.


22-12-2007 05:45:02

sorry it is not more clear... you are intended to inherit from Raycast directly with any custom implementation... BasicRayCast is just there to get people up and running quickly...


22-12-2007 15:07:49

I see... I don't have much experience with OOP. But looking at it now I understand...
Very clear and useful, like the rest of your code. Cheers :wink: