Class Documentation


22-03-2007 17:49:09

Is there somewhere that I can see what each class method does?
just like the Ogre's API Reference itself.


22-03-2007 20:40:02

No, there isn't. But you can always do a rt. click and then 'go to definition' or a 'ctrl + space' and let intellisense show up description for your class or function etc and point the mouse at what you want to read about. You probably might be knowin these things, but it's just a combination of these two things that I use to find my way around.

Also, the Newton SDK has an API reference which comes handy from time to time.

Edit - This is if you are using Visual Studio. I forgot.


22-03-2007 21:11:16

There is! Just download the source and you'll find it in the documentation in the "OgreNewt\Doc" map.


23-03-2007 12:31:10

I took a look already on "ogrenewt/doc" however there is a doxygen file in there. soh I decided to find a site with the api reference.
thanks for the answer guys.


23-03-2007 13:09:04

well, I generated the html
and at least for now, I'll be hosting in

hope u enjoy it.