Newbie Question


16-04-2007 18:31:05


I just downloaded OgreNewt and NewtonSDK and compiled it with mingw on Code::Blocks.

I added
#include <stddef.h>
in Newton.h to define the size_t (without I got compile errors).

While compiling my compiler gives out 61 warnings (see below) but I successfully build the dll/lib files.

All warnings are this kind:
..\..\OgreSDK\include\OgreUTFString.h:290: warning: base class `class Ogre::UTFString::_base_iterator' should be explicitly initialized in the copy

Now I have a Question about the dll files:

When I build the release DLL it has a filesize about 10 mb, the debug file is only 1,22 mb. Normally the filesize of the release is much smaller that its debug version (so the dlls in ogre are). Is this normal or has anything failed ? Stupid question - I know - but I only want to get sure that I've done right 'cause I've build this project on my own, there is no projectfiles provided for Code::Blocks in the downloadarchive.

I use:

OgreSDK 1.4.0 Final Eihort
Newton SDK 1.53
OgreNewt from
MinGW C++ Toolbox 3.4.5 w1
IDE: Code::Blocks NighlyBuild

Probably it is all right but I just ask to play it safe. The demo 01 is running well - both in debug and in release mode. Others not testet yet.