

24-10-2007 18:51:30

I'd like to use Newton to handle my basic phyisics for a game that is going to be very open ended, hence I have some scalability questions.

Is it possible to *really* freeze a body, so that it will not be moved (except perhaps by a 'large' force)? Is it possible to detach the physics altogether from an object that is outside a certain range/still for a certain period, and then plug it back in later?

Finally, in the demos (I'm using MOGRE, it has the demo where you can shoot hundreds of boxes onto the ground) I notice that creating a large pile of boxes leads to a situation where physics is permanently running for objects being 'squashed' in the pile. Is it possible to avoid this effect (in a way not already addressed by the questions above)? Since it is one of the most obvious and likely sources of poor performance in a game where debris is not agressively limited or culled, I'd like to know what can be done to keep performance up under 'extreme' conditions. :twisted:

While on the subject, are 'modern' physics implementations such as PhysX the same in this respect? I'd hate to go buy a physics card only to discover that even the latest unreal/farscape/quake only lets me stack up twice as many boxes before pagging out as I can now with C#, Newton and a 2.4G Core 2. :D