Need help in OgreNewt and oFusion


28-01-2008 09:06:43

I'm creating a big terrain with static objects (i.e. a house with several objects). I'm using oFusion plugin for loading the osm file (exported from 3DSMax).

As I need to have collision detection with these statics objects in the house, I use TreeCollisionSceneParser in OgreNewt which I need to pass in the parent sceneNode and it will parse through all its child scenenodes. Hence, I need create a SceneNode Hierarchy. How do I do that?

In osm file, the scenenodes of all the objects have been created and loaded for me. So I can retrieve these individual scenenodes by calling mSceneMgr->getSceneNode("ObjectNode1") etc...

Anyone help?


28-01-2008 19:32:30

can you give oFusion a SceneNode to use as the root node for the scene?

if so, you can then run the SceneParser on that node, and it will get every object in the oFusion scene.


29-01-2008 02:14:05

can you give oFusion a SceneNode to use as the root node for the scene?

if so, you can then run the SceneParser on that node, and it will get every object in the oFusion scene.

Yes! You are right! It works when I use the root scene node. Thanks!