

10-02-2008 16:22:52

i have done a search on forums, but didnt find anything very detailed for this particular problem

the game style is yet another FPS :P and i want to do hitboxes for head, arms, etc

here is the solution i have thought so far, but not implemented yet

1) the enemies are controlled by spherical collision, and it is used also as a filter for detecting bullet collision
2) if the bullet hits the spherical collision, then we would go and check if any hitbox was hit, if no hitbox then we stop here
3) check which hitbox was hit
4) if it is a fatal hit(or the enemy HP is low), remove the spherical collision and spawn a ragdoll

a hitbox would consist, of AABB with hitpoints, attached to the respective bone(s)

each model would need to have its own hitbox information (maybe a editor is needed to be built)

but maybe thats a little overkill solution.. is there more trivial ones?


11-02-2008 20:41:21

Usually you do a larger hit detection, like with your sphere, then you have other bodies attached to your character, arms and so on, that we you can detect hits for body parts, but you only check for hits on them if a bullet first hits the larger sphere.
