How to calculate the fall point


15-02-2008 15:47:19

I throw a ball at postion Vector3(px,py,pz) with velocity Vector3(vx,vy,vz).
with the Damping 0.1
how to calculate the fall point of a ball?


18-02-2008 07:07:24

depends where the ground is and its shape

but basically its like this:

t is time
p is the position vector ,
p0 is starting point
v is the velocity vector ,
v0 is starting velocity
a is the damping vector (which reduces speed of it)
(not sure how the dampening works for sure so...)
g is gravity vector <0,-9.81,0>

p = p0 + v0*t +1/2(g+a)*t^2

just a guess tho and assuming damping
is a vector to opposite direction to velocity vector
and its magnitude depends on the objects speed.


09-09-2008 19:41:59

does anybody here know how the actual damping is calculated?