HELP - animation and collision


14-08-2008 07:28:14

Hi guys,

Could anyone tell me why my box (moving object) can not go through opened-door? It can pass through if I change the direction 180 degree (in this case the box can pass the door regardless of whether it is opened or closed).

You can see the screen in this url

many thanks in advance


15-08-2008 11:04:38

no one???


15-08-2008 17:36:35

I am no expert and it may sound silly, but is the door a dynamic rigid body?
I think if you want to make door active you have to make it a separate dynamic body and attach it to the world via a hinge joint.


15-08-2008 21:36:08

what do you do to open the door? Are those debug lines on the screenshot?
You can't just play the "open" animation, VictorMoran is right, the best thing you can do is make 2 different meshes, one for the door, the other for the doorjam, and then connect their bodies via the hingle joint