How to spin a ball?


30-09-2008 11:02:43

Hi guys

I am having trouble to spin my cricket ball by using force. For example, a bowler through a cricket ball toward the batman, but the ball is also spinning , so when it hit the ground, it change it normal direction because the spinning force.

Can i do that in OgreNewt? Can someone give me a direction please. Thank you very much




01-10-2008 04:57:22

Is it not possible, or is it too simple?


01-10-2008 20:37:07

i hav not even try to make snooker for fun with newton main because of spinning which is hard to implement. you need time for it and simulate the spinning...


07-10-2008 22:29:54

Solved: setOmega or addTorque at callback function