Ogrenewt in visual basic.net windows (not c#)


28-01-2009 21:29:41

hi everyone

i'm new to the ogre community and my english is very bad...

my question is:
is it possible to use ogrenewt on a visualbasic.net (windows) programme?
i'm starting a mogre project, and physics would be the "main" feature... but i'm using vb.net windows.

note: i've got no knowledge of c#

if it's possible, where can i find some tutorials or something "similar"?
if not , is there any physics engine for vb.net windows so that i can use it with mogre?

sry my lame english...


29-01-2009 08:54:52

Hi there,

you can use MogreNewt in VB.NET as someone would in C#. It's a .NET assembly so any .NET language can access it.

Someone (i don't recall who) posted in the Mogre Wiki a link for a online C#-> VB.NET converter. You can look for the MogreNewt samples (that are in C#) and use the converter to get the VB.NET code so it can help you.

Hope that helps you to get it started.
Cumps :)


29-01-2009 13:42:15

thanks for the fast reply! :D

found the converter : h**p://www.developerfusion.com/tools/convert/csharp-to-vb ((remove the *))