Load your own collison mesh


02-02-2009 00:52:09

Ok im working on a game in witch i need my own collison hull.
I have to save two separate files displayed mesh and collison mesh, ok this part makes no problem...
problem comes up how to loadup that collison mesh in to Newton soo the collison hull will be the same as that collison mesh...

Any idea?


18-06-2009 22:15:36

I'm interested in this two...
I need to load some aeroplanes, need the collision body to be close to the mesh...
Any idea?


19-06-2009 21:17:46

For static bodies you can create a newton tree collision from your collision mesh... if you need a movable body, you need to use convex collision shapes or compounds of convex collision shapes (so you could divide your collision mesh into several convex parts and create newton convexhull collisions from these parts; then you need to create a compound collision out of these parts).

Newton can save a collision to a file, too. So you don't need to recreate the newton collision from the ogre collision mesh each time you run your program...